Juno - the warmth of a condom

Sammy 2022-04-23 07:01:03

Super... Warmth

was originally a rather heavy topic , but the director and the heroine were portrayed
in a very light-hearted way . It felt very cartoony, but I went deep into the topic step by step, from accidental conception to the exploration of love, and finally it was very warm Ellen Page So talented... The acting is so good. She portrays such a young girl with such a personality . , but I was moved by her... A little bit when I watched Friends, Monica adopted a child and felt that two people were together no matter how poor, noble, beautiful or ugly . The other person can see the light on your pp ... It's very strong , this film gives people With hope , even if it is tears, even if it is sad, she has found that person, that really cool guy , that person who cares about her. So, even if someone else falls in love first and then has a child , our Juno sword goes a little way, and after falling in love, Mr. and child, I feel so happy , foreigner It seems to be more rational about feelings . I don't know if the word is appropriate , but they are indeed more step by step, down-to-earth. From friends, I have this feeling. From crush to like, it is possible to have sex soon, but it will not say love soon.

Live together again, and finally marry
is cautious and cautious about having children.
Their life is not a kind of coping, but a responsibility
to themselves and the future child.

This feeling is not bad.

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Extended Reading

Juno quotes

  • Juno MacGuff: Uhhh, I hate it when adults use the term "sexually active." What does it even mean? Am I gonna like deactivate some day or is it a permanent state of being?

  • Juno MacGuff: Can I use the facilities? Because being pregnant makes me pee like Seabiscuit!