"KLIK3 Special Feature Film Review" Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Trembling in front of the orangutans

Ayla 2022-04-22 07:01:02

Humans use high technology to greatly improve the IQ of the apes, but also bring endless troubles to themselves. Human beings greedily want to use high technology to cure their diseases and prolong their lifespan; at the same time, their desire to control all living things on the earth is also intensifying. But the highly intelligent orangutan set off an anti-human revolution, standing on the top of the mangroves looking at San Francisco, overlooking the city that is about to set off a bloody storm.
As a chimpanzee raised by humans, Kaiser's IQ surpasses that of other chimpanzees because of the effects of drugs; he can even communicate with humans, and his eyes have always exuded concern and love for the Will family. Will was shocked and deeply disturbed by his growth. Because Kaiser is no longer a pet after all, but an orangutan with almost human IQ and emotional quotient. Naturally, after seeing what humans did, he felt instinctual anger. He endured the abuse by the guards in the ape detention center, and waited for an opportunity to take revenge. He mercilessly killed the guards and used his actions to punish humans Issue a challenge.
In the first half of the film, Cather is like a docile and brave guardian, protecting Will and his father, but an experience Will takes him to the zoo awakens his nature, he belongs to the jungle and the Natural, not a metropolis surrounded by steel cement, icy and biting. There, Cather will be the leader of the ape tribe, not an experimental subject surrounded by human peculiar eyes and abusive behavior.
When Kaiser uttered the phrase "No" for the first time, I am afraid that the entire human race was trembling. It was the resistance and challenge from the heart. The trembling power reflected in the eyes, and that moment was like a brave face with human beings. moment. In the human cognitive world, animals have almost no ability to think and willpower, but movies give us a possibility. What a worry it would be when a human-like ape tribe had a soul and a will of its own. In the film, humans and apes have become two objects of contrast. The primitive emotional outbursts of apes make humans fear and frighten. When the two races started a head-to-head war, there was a thick fog, and the police with guns could not see where the orangutans were, while the orangutans easily took the lives of humans. Those cars, guns, and helicopters were in their sight. It doesn't work at all. Perhaps thousands of years of evolutionary history have given humans a sense of superiority and dominance, but one day in the future, when the development of the situation is completely beyond our control, I am afraid that we can only sit still like those who were attacked by orangutans in the movie. , pray for life. The resistance of the ape tribe led by Kaiser, this is the rise of another civilization, this is the resistance to human atrocities.
In fact, after watching the movie, we all know that whether it is the brave resistance of animals represented by the ape family, or the human beings like Will who still have conscience and humanity, it is difficult to stop the progress of technology and in the process, Selfish behavior full of interests and selfish desires. This is a movie of apes fighting against humans, and they temporarily extinguished the war between the borderline of the city and the forest. But we all applaud those orangutans, and this dystopian movie gave us a resounding warning that annoyed the orangutans, there must be no good fruit to eat.

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes quotes

  • Linda: Mr. Jacobs, it's Linda from Will's team. Something horrible has happened. Franklin is dead - from a viral infection.

    Steven Jacobs: What the hell are you talking about?

    Linda: He was exposed to the 113. It does something to people that it doesn't do to apes.

  • Steven Jacobs: You used an untested drug on your father. I could end your career with one phone call.

    Will Rodman: Let me save you the trouble. I quit.