If you stop using your heart, what's the difference between that and a broken heart?

Lesly 2022-04-19 09:01:02


One Christmas Eve, a lonely little devil and a strange uncle with all kinds of strange rumors met in the church. The little ghost felt that he was too bad for his family. After asking Santa to send his family back, he came here to wash his soul. The strange uncle also felt that he was not good, but at the same time, he came to see his granddaughter who was singing in the choir, but he came quietly. Because many years ago, he and his son had a big fight, and they have never been in contact with each other since then.

In this regard, the little ghost asked the strange uncle, since you miss your son and your granddaughter, why don't you call them? The strange uncle responded that I was afraid that if I called him, he would ignore me.

Then, the kid told a story: I've always been afraid of the basement, it's too dark, and I always feel that something strange is underneath, and the smell inside is also weird. This thing has bothered me for many years. Afterwards, I dared to go down to do the laundry, and found that it was not that scary. I was always scared at first, and then when I turned on the light, everything was gone. You should call your son, if he ignores you, then you will at least know. You don't have to worry about it, you don't have to be afraid.

In fact, in each of our lives, we are afraid of all kinds of things, afraid of disease, afraid of death, afraid of poverty, afraid of ugliness, afraid of mediocrity, afraid of loneliness... Throughout the whole In the universe, no one can confidently say that I am not afraid of heaven and earth. Even if there is such a person, then such a person is also afraid, and no one knows that he is not afraid of the sky.

We are afraid of some things because we are afraid of some possible bad outcome. Therefore, in order to be conservative, it is the best choice to bear the brunt of the brunt of silent fear. But as everyone knows, fear itself is actually the biggest loss to our lives, and fear itself is actually the worst result.

For example, here's the story of the strange uncle. He's afraid of his son's rejection, so he's lived through the years of anxiety, tormented by the fear that his son might reject him, but what if he does call? It's nothing more than accepting or rejecting. If it is accepted, then he can finally enjoy the joy of his children and grandchildren happily and openly. If it was rejection, then he also got the answer, his son rejected his reconciliation, he didn't have to worry that his son would not reconcile with him.

So, what I want to say is that our hearts deserve to be surrounded by better, healthier, warmer, more positive things and thoughts. Don't be fooled around in the fog of unreal things because of fear, because of fear of bad outcomes. Be brave and make our lives brighter and let the light in.

"If you don't use your heart anymore, it's no different from a broken heart. If you just keep your heart to yourself, it might be like my roller skates. When you want to use it, it's no longer available. You should Take advantage of opportunities and don’t miss them again.”


"Lately I've been annoying and saying things I shouldn't have. I've been really bad this year. I'm so sad, I really love my family. Even though I sometimes say I don't love them , I even thought to myself that I didn't love them."

Many bad children are raised because they have to be bad enough to be noticed. Being a kid here is no exception. When his words are not listened to, valued, or cared about, he will say things he shouldn't say and do things he shouldn't do to arouse his father. The attention of mothers, brothers and sisters, return to the center of everyone's eyes.

So I was thinking, is it because of the inferiority of human beings that people can't listen to what they say well? Must be angry, loud, angry to be taken seriously? Something has to be done to get my business on the agenda?

But why do people listen attentively when they are facing some dignitaries, international superstars, world celebrities, and the company's immediate boss? Because at the moment, they are important people to them, because what they said at that time, it is important to them.

So, I think, when we don't care, we can't put blame on other people's head randomly, and we don't want to be a bad child, use hurtful words and hurtful behavior to grab the attention of others . We should think about it, what we have to ask the other party to listen to at this moment, is it important to be cared by the other party? Or are you just venting your emotions, and the purpose of doing this is just to gain attention, fill your insecurities, and satisfy your humble vanity?

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Home Alone quotes

  • Buzz McCallister: Hey, Kev. It's pretty cool you didn't burn the place down.

    Kevin McCallister: Thanks, Buzz.

  • Marv: [Marv has just stepped on a couple of ornaments laid out by Kevin; screams angerily] I'M GONNA KILL THAT KID!