Weeping Faith (2007-03-10)

Darion 2022-04-22 07:01:02

The blood is flowing in absurd ways, dyeing Africa, a continent that has been endlessly forgotten, and soaking in Latin America, a continent that is lonely to the end.

"Blood Diamond" is the film that this year's Oscars are enthusiastically concerned about. Starring the ever-improving Leonardo, it reflects the endless hell ecology of the African theater. Big businessmen, big politicians, and big pimps are all about money and transactions. Sin, regardless of the existence of the black compatriots, we seem embarrassed to accuse them, because "in his position, in his political affairs", Satan can only do the work of the devil, can we eliminate these works? Can we eliminate these people? All the absurdities are in full swing like nothing else.

What do we not talk about, what can we do?

After watching the video, I cried again, for the conscience of the smugglers? Great for the preciousness of truth? For the suffering of the African people? For helpless despair? For the innocent eyes that flicker in the eyes of a child? ...too complicated, for several years, since I read "Gandhi's Autobiography" in high school, I secretly cried too many times, and I can only cry alone, I don't know why, maybe I can't stand other people because of it Think I'm weird for that absurd feeling in the future! So, every time I cry, I naturally ask: Am I only crying? I think I will know more and more things, but I can only cry, I can't see the way... I have longed for countless ideals and designed various paths, and I am still trying to maximize within constraints, however , I know very well that even if I live a few more times, I will only see deserts or mirages. In the most talented and powerful group of human beings, too few people have the spirit of sacrifice, and there are so many, more and more other ignorant, backward, half-hearted people who strive for the so-called abundant life - these people are How likely are those ignorant sin-laden pimps, power-holders, wealth-holders!

Maybe I'd be better off living a so-called "well, steady" life, because that's all my parents want it to be enough, but what does this kind of life mean to me? I am so deeply integrated into the love and suffering of human beings, my body is no longer important, I can't see hope, I can't set up ideals towards hope, move forward towards ideals, what is the meaning of life. Children are the eternal hope, but youth is the most impressive hope. Where has the ambition and spirit of today's youth gone? A big house! a good car! A good seat! A good object, preferably rich and beautiful! I have never heard of a truly outstanding person who is so afraid of death and discomfort!

Yes, I have to face a lot of oppression, a lot of irony, a lot of curses, a lot of contradictions, a lot of doubts; yes, I have nothing now, only freedom. Yes, I have to move forward, no complaints, only promotion, because I only have faith. After cruising in the ocean of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign cultures, I couldn't find a force that convinced me, so I had to create a god for myself. This god is called "human spirit", which absorbs all human suffering and spit out all The most precious and greatest sense of justice, courage, morality, creativity, dedication, essential individualism among human beings... And love, love for freedom, love for truth, is more important than the love of earth for people.

Going back to a number in the movie, there are hundreds of thousands of child soldiers in Africa, can you imagine what that means? Imagine again, arms, drugs, oil, diamonds, finance, these are the biggest business, and the most energetic people are scolding them and galloping freely. It is better than communism, but for hundreds of years, only the national interest is the most important to the people, and the national interest is often seized by some people (of course the word seized is really debatable), in turn, the people can only suffer disasters. We have touched the proposition of freedom and equality again. It is impossible for human beings to be today without the liberal order of capitalism defended by Hayek, and the reason why the world has not collapsed in the festering process is also thanks to the great equality that Marx held high. flag. The two are inevitably contradictory, and the root cause lies in the inability of human nature to evolve. This is also proved by data in brain science, not just the pessimism of humanities and social scientists. What to do then? My point is the individualistic methodology of happiness, you just ask yourself, always, always, everything, what do you want, what do you love, how can you be at peace, how can you be truly happy and not happy, if you are a Artist, you are perfect after answering the above questions, but if you are a very social character, you still have to ask, what can you do, where is your responsibility as an individual, and can you relax in modern society? ? No, why, the more you ask, the answer will come out. The so-called "thought is action" is the truth. Some people immediately asked back: Are you tired? Who can do it? I ask you: Is it easy for you to rack your brains every day, to run around for the whole family, and to make your girlfriend happy every day? You are a social person, can you not think? Anyway, if you are tired, why not adjust the thinking object system. However, why do you not respect your own humanity so much, don't take your responsibilities, and don't value your own value?

My experience is that if things go on like this, just like Zeng Ziday's self-examination, within a few years, he will definitely feel that he is relatively real, magnanimous, and happy, the kind of happiness that is self-sufficient and does not need outsiders. Of course, there is no limit to this kind of improvement, only an eternal process. As long as we tend to infinity, then the limit formula in mathematics will appear. This formula is life and the truth. We must believe in it in order to be saved.

Because of this belief, I will live happily, but still cry occasionally.

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Blood Diamond quotes

  • Maddy Bowen: The entire country's at war. Why should I help this one person?


    Maddy Bowen: I can't believe I just said that.

  • Danny Archer: So, don't tell me you're here to make a difference, huh?

    Maddy Bowen: And you're here to make a buck?

    Danny Archer: I'm here for lack of a better idea.

    Maddy Bowen: That's a shame.