very cool and wonderful

Percival 2022-04-19 09:01:11

Today, I went to the wool of Tao Piao Piao, and it only cost 15 yuan to see the sharp knife unsheathed.

It's worth it, it's wonderful, it's charming, the plot is super exaggerated, it's not like a movie, but it gives people the feeling of a stage play.

When I watched it, I knew that this story was fake and outrageous and could not happen in real life, but I was still moved and shocked.

This kind of foreshadowing is everywhere, and then the film where all these foreshadowings are strung up for you at the end looks really cool!

It's like reading an Agatha novel! The interlocking is exquisite, I don't know if this movie is adapted from her novel.

The detective is too smart and too British

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Extended Reading

Knives Out quotes

  • Benoit Blanc: I spoke in the car about the hole at the center of this doughnut. And yes, what you and Harlan did that fateful night seems at first glance to fill that hole perfectly. A doughnut hole in the doughnut's hole. But we must look a little closer. And when we do, we see that the doughnut hole has a hole in its center - it is not a doughnut hole at all but a smaller doughnut with its own hole, and our doughnut is not whole at all!

  • Marta Cabrera: What was that about will readings being boring?

    Benoit Blanc: The exception that proves the rule.