
Leonel 2022-04-21 09:01:06

For "Spider-Man 3", there are still good things to watch in terms of action effects, shocking pictures, etc. Even if the storyline is not so exciting, the overall expression is still good, and it may be popular and commercialized now.

One of my favorite things about this movie is probably the collaboration between Spider-Man and the New Green Goblin. Maybe they are cooperating for the first time, or maybe they have been cooperating all the time, but no matter which aspect, I want to say, maybe no matter who, a person will always be tired, and there will be those who are powerless in the face of powerful enemies. time……

Everyone hopes that they can have someone to rely on and someone who can stand up in difficult times. It's not to find ease for myself, but just because I have support in my heart, and I don't always feel like I'm facing everything alone. This person may not need to be very strong, or even need to do something, because he is the spiritual force that supports us to stand up and start over when we are tired.

I think people don't like being alone, they all want to have a partner of their own. Maybe don't need long-term company, just show up when you are vulnerable.

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Spider-Man 3 quotes

  • Mary Jane Watson: Who are you?

    Peter Parker: I don't know...

  • Norman Osborn: You've taken your eye off the ball...