Spider-Man 3--Three Men's Redemption

Rosemary 2022-04-19 09:01:06


Before watching "Spider-Man 3", I reviewed the first two films, and it took a lot of thought to see the screenwriter of the third film. The previous episodes of Spider-Man had one boss per episode, but this episode is different, with two bosses appearing at once. In the first two films, there is an obvious main line, that is, can spiderman as a superhero defeat himself? In the first episode, Uncle's death made him understand that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and he is willing to use his ability to give back to the society; the second Spider-Man wants to be an ordinary person, and he wants a normal life. The Spider-Man in the third installment has already begun to enjoy his behavior of serving the society, but superheroes are also human, and his reputation has swept his mind. At this time, he thought that instead of serving the society and saving the world, he would enjoy worshipping him. In the cheers of the people who need him, his heart is extremely swollen. I always thought that unidentified foreign object was a failure. Although it adds a boss, it is completely unnecessary. The dark side of Spider-Man is exposed through the attachment of this alien parasite to Spider-Man, which weakens the exploration of Spider-Man's inner emotions. The screenwriter doesn't seem to harm Spider-Man's glorious image. He magnifies the dark side of Spider-Man through this foreign parasitic object. This parasitic object seems to be regarded as Spider-Man's spiritual shackles. Once removed, Spider-Man immediately improves to a higher level. This is to be shown in every episode. The ending adds Harry and the redemption of Sand Man. When spiderman said: I forgive you, the two of them completed their own redemption at the same time. However, the role of Sandman is too simple. He happened to kill Peter's uncle for the sake of his daughter. He was turned into a Sandman by accident. Later, because Peter organized his money-robbing technique, he became revengeful with Spider-Man. The role is too thin.


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Spider-Man 3 quotes

  • Maître d': I love romance. I am French.

  • Peter Parker: Good riddance.