CSI. Talking (reposted)

Sherman 2021-12-25 08:01:02

There was a long silence. I didn't speak, and filmed back and forth. Look. Forgotten. Look again. Continue to forget. I heard that a happy life is nothing more than a good appetite and a bad memory.

Like GIL, because of repeated disappointment with human nature, I gradually feel that there is nothing to say. Life is so boring. The dark after the gorgeousness that we showed us, the back of the moon. I saw my ugliness in the mirror. Looking at them, like looking at yourself.

More and more love to watch LV. There is a person behind every case. The mind is no longer on the trivial details, how to survey, how to detect, how to be high-tech, how to manage the system... those are not important. I know the ending, the ending is always there. But I want to see their helplessness as they approach the truth step by step.

Yes, helpless. The inability to tear open the fog to see the truth. I don't want to talk about human nature, and I don't want to talk about the pale and ugly under the prosperous environment. Look at those people, it may be me and you. Reachable.

Look at LV, there is always an indelible despair. Although you have used a lot of words to comfort yourself, you know what the truth is and know where the ending is. Nothing has changed. They are rational and cold. Only your mood, ups and downs back and forth.

But rationality is like GIL, and finally it can't hold on. I have always hoped that CSI can shoot ten seasons, but now, the deeper they go, the more I feel fear and give up.

I can't imagine if I lose my ability to believe in love and beauty.

And MIAMI's sunshine can't inspire courage. This is a city that is the opposite of LV. One in the night and one in the day, each blooming. In the noisy city, the silence is so quiet.

Unlike LV's plain line drawing, MIAMI's pictures have a refreshing and transpiring beauty. H satisfies our thirst and yearning for heroes. He is not a character in reality. In the struggle, his persistence and calmness are the clean power of MIAMI. He is a beautiful thing in human nature, unreal, but there are such characters in the imagination, which will make us see occasional light in despair. They said: Love is in the body of dirt, struggling towards the light. H makes us feel that there is such a power. Yes? Yes? A little suspicion in repeated disappointments.

I thought this doubt was so beautiful before, but now I know that doubt is just an attitude. Or maybe, this suspicion made me fall even deeper, and it's impossible to recover.

Only when you put yourself to the lowest, the disappointment will come, and you will not be unavoidable.

NY has always made me feel that it is an urban story struggling between MIAMI and LV. Familiar high-rise buildings, city streets, sometimes sunny, sometimes gloomy. The hurrying figure, the car is like a flowing water and a horse like a dragon.

I like MAC, there is something soft in his rationality. He walked cautiously between the filth of human nature and the blur of the case, lest he make mistakes. I don't want him to go on the path of GIL. That kind of life is very painful. The life of thinking is the most painful life. It is a war between oneself and oneself. You can't convince yourself, but you can't leave it. Life becomes a bitter struggle and entanglement.

NY makes me feel like walking on a balance beam. Walk slowly between G's rationality and H's sensibility. I used to love constellations for some time. I imagined that MAC should be the representative of Libra. He has been seeking a reliable balance; and GIL should be Capricorn, the most calm, rational and wise constellation in the twelve constellations; H, should It is an elegant gentleman with a bit of cruel Scorpio-whoever hurts his love and protection will not escape for long.

In fact, I admire GIL the most, because I can be so rational and stay away from feelings. It seems ridiculous to talk about love in front of GIL, although it does not hinder his sexiness-his wisdom is the sexiest sex.

I envy this attitude. People who indulge in feelings will definitely suffer.

One day when I was watching NY, I saw that MAC called the wrong name, and the subtitles indicated in brackets: It was called the wrong name... Suddenly, there was a burst of warmth.

I've been running down the film selfishly all the time, and I haven't thought about what a living person is after each ID. When I saw the subtitles, I remembered that many subtitles used to have such and other explanations and reminders. Thinking of young people with ideals and beautiful beliefs, using their own time to make these subtitles sentence by sentence, and then put them up for everyone to see.

Began to feel grateful and warm. I rarely read posts, and I rarely reply to posts. But I know that we are communicating. After each subtitle, it is your hard work and perseverance.

Occasionally, I have watched TV stations put CSI on the transliteration, which is terrible. I thought that if I watched these from the beginning, I would lose interest in CSI in the morning. So, I am more grateful.

We grow up with CSI and move forward together. Although human nature is as dark as the moment before dawn, I still miss the warmth when I think of you on the road.

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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation quotes

  • Greg Sanders: Hey Catherine, you think Sara would go to dinner with me?

    Catherine Willows: Sure, as long as you don't tell her it's a date.

  • Gil Grissom: The rich are just as depraved as the poor.