Heroes darker than the dark knight

Santino 2022-04-20 09:01:04

This film was dragged on for 4 years, and I just started watching it today. For the first time, because I thought it was a superhero like "Spiderman" and "Superman", I opened it with great interest. I didn't expect such a dull film. I fell asleep for half an hour. At that time, there was no Nolan's "Batman" trilogy, and even if there was, I couldn't understand it. After watching the "Batman" series, I decided to find this film, Look again, the longest director's cut, three and a half hours.
Batman tells you that where you fall, you stand up, and the inner strength is really strong, and the watchman tells you: standing up or not standing up is shit, it's shit, it's meaningless.
I think the meaning of both expressions is correct, but the people and contexts expressed are different. Even if Batman is not Batman, he still has a rich personal life to spend. He will not be boring. Masked man is just one of his many roles. One of them, and the watchmen are all laid-off workers. After they are not heroes, they can only go to the vegetable market to set up a street stall. The situation is very different. The inner activities are naturally different, just like Iron Man. In the same way, when you look for Lao Tzu and Lao Tzu, it depends on your mood. Who has time and nothing to be a superhero every day?
In the final analysis, enrich your personal life, don't accept the truth, get to the bottom of the horns, and develop some personal hobbies.

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Watchmen quotes

  • Rorschach: Your turn doctor! Tell me!

    [puts on Rorschach mask]

    Rorschach: What do you see?

  • Sally Jupiter: [Eddie is aggressively coming on to Sally despite her reluctance] I said "no", Eddie.

    Edward Blake: [smiles] "No" spelled Y-E-S.

    Sally Jupiter: "No" spelled N-O. All right?