Sean is not just a lamb, he could be a zombie

Kailyn 2022-04-22 07:01:02

Zombies (ghosts) + comedy has already been played to a certain level in "Ghost Playing People 2". And the unique taste of this kind of mix and match has also been shown in Peter the Great's "The Group of Corpses Played the Boundary".

But these demons and demons have been running rampant on the screen for so many years, no one can be like Simon Pegg and that fat man (always can't remember his name) who can combine horror zombies and comedy elements so perfectly, as if these two elements It was for the other party that I came into this world. Of course, we can't ignore Director Wright - it's just that this is too lovable for good friends who are no different from gay except for not having sex.

In fact, the director did use "homosexuality" to describe the intimacy of their relationship.
Where is it manifested?
Music - Queen's songs are heavily used in the film.
There are more big-name bands in the UK than there are fakes in China. Beatles, U2, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Suede, Coldplay, Muse... Just pick one, and it's enough for a British guy to bluff for an afternoon. But why did this film choose Queen?
Because... Queen's lead singer Freddie is gay. The director clearly wanted to imply a too close relationship between the two straight men.
Well, I admit, this is my wild guess.

Every time we talk about British comedy, we must talk about British humor. This film is no exception.
The brilliance of the "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" period gave the British a bad habit, that is, bitterness. And this vitriol is the source of British humor. (In contrast, American sleazy comedy is still dominated by "low three" -- and of course it's good.)
The acerbicity of "Zombie Shaun" is mainly used for self-deprecation.
At the beginning of the film, it was shown with a set of mirrors. When the citizens were not infected with the virus, they were as numb and sluggish as the walking dead. Later, when the zombie apocalypse approached, one by one became more energetic. I really don't know whether this so-called disaster will destroy or redeem the British Empire today.

Everyone knows that one of the quickest ways to do comedy is to put characters "lower" than us. And Sean and Fatty in this film are definitely a new height at this point.
This is mainly manifested in the following points -
hearing problems: I heard a zombie roaring not far away, but I thought he was singing, and the two brothers sang it with great interest.
Poor eyesight: Seeing zombies with very obvious features approaching them in the backyard, their reaction was actually—Damn, how could she be so drunk! !
Unsure of priorities: The two smash zombies with records—which ones can be thrown away and which must be treasured—and the two are still discussing certification when the giant zombies are close at hand. This design not only highlights the character's characteristics again, but also teases the assembly-line music (mainly American music).

In the early days, most zombie films provided only a cheap sense of curiosity. Later, in order to balance this simple and crude visual pleasure, the creators artificially added some emotional factors. The common practice is to make the most important people in the film also become zombies and then be killed. But the disadvantage of this approach is that the audience has already invested a lot of emotion in these characters before, and letting them receive the box lunch in advance will inevitably make people feel lost.
"Shaun of Zombies" handles this well. After the fat man, who was second only to Sean in the film, became a zombie, he was not headshot, but was raised after the situation subsided. Sean still plays his favorite video game with him every day, but every now and then he has to remind his zombie friend: Don't fucking bite me!
Every time I see this, a warm current rises from the soles of my feet, reaches the scalp in an instant, and then bursts out.

Insufficient place.
First of all, the settings for zombies are still the same: dull eyes, slow actions, moaning growls, and death after a headshot...
Maybe the creators are also aware of this problem, but there is really no good way to improve, so Then he laughed at himself again: when Sean's mother was distracted, she became the most god-like person among the many imitating zombies. This is obviously a mockery of one's own innovative ability - you don't need to use your brain to fix the makeup of the zombie, just find an old lady with facial paralysis to poke here and it will be OK! What else do you need a bike for?
In contrast, in the recent "Train to Busan" and "Call Me Hero", the zombies in it are quite breakthrough from their posture to their actions. Especially in "Call Me a Hero", the design of the female corpse lying on the ground violently tossing up and down is extremely ecstasy.
Secondly, the beauties in the film are indebted. Knowing that you are not rich in beautiful women in England (you can borrow two from Ireland, they are so close), so I didn’t expect a good-looking girl to run through the film, but even if there was a slightly human appearance, I was bitten to death. Well - something with a lingering fragrance behind you - that's fine too!

The creators seem to have used up good ideas in this film. When it comes to the next "Blood Detective", the camera is more and more fancy, but the high-quality joy points are less and less. The next "End of the World", uh... cross talk is about learning to sing, this "speaking" is not easy at first, and it is easy to talk...

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Shaun of the Dead quotes

  • Shaun: [to a girl in the garden] Excuse me?

    [no response]

    Shaun: Excuse me?

    [no response]

    Shaun: Hellew?

    [no response]

    Ed: [picks up a pebble and throws it off her back] Oi!

    [girl turns round, a zombie]

    Shaun: Oh, my God! She's so drunk!

  • Shaun: No, Noel, no matter you might think, okay, I do not find it difficult to keep my work and my social life separate.

    Worker: Shaun, it's Liz for you.

    [hands him the phone]