"The people who said to help me below have risen above me. Bastard!"-Roy
Lieutenant Liza-"Da Zuo, you are incompetent on rainy days."
Shuz Zhong Zuo-"You should make friends more than make enemies now. So Roy,...hurry up and marry a wife."
"But we are both. We are not demons, nor gods. We are humans! Even a girl can't be saved... Tiny people!" Bendang
no 俺たちは, 悪魔でも, ましてや神でもない. Renjian na んだよっ! ニーナ一人救うことのできなかった、ちっぽけな......人间だ。
"I've seen hell a long time ago!"
Hell ならとうに见た!
Scar: "The alchemists who betrayed the way of the gods should be destroyed! And I am the one who judges them on behalf of the gods!"
Major Amstang: "Destroy, then create! This is the law of the universe!"
Bleeding Will continue to provoke blood, hatred will continue to provoke hatred... And the powerful energy generated through these things will take root in this place and engrave the emblem of blood. Even though I have been experiencing the same thing, I still don't know to learn... Human beings are really stupid and sad creatures. ——The Lust
people get nothing without sacrifice. In order to get something, they need to pay the same price. (开场白)
人は何かの犠賀なしに、何も得ることはできない. 何かを得るためには, 東方の代価がNecessary となる The
sun is not a god, but a high-temperature entity. Too close to the sun will only cause burns. (EDO) The
sun も神じゃない. 高热の固まりだ. それに近づきすぎれば、燃え尽きるだけ.
One is all, and all is one. (spring)
Because I want to protect a person, no one is forcing me, it's my own decision. I pull the trigger according to my will, for the person I want to protect. Before he reaches the goal, I will pull the trigger without hesitation. (Lisa)
守るべき人がいるから. それだけは谁に逼されたわけでもない. 私が决めたこと. 私は私のwillで引き金を引くの. 守るべき人のために. その人が目を果たす日まで、迷うことなく引き金を引くわ。
Because your brothers don't cry, so I cry instead of you. (Wendy)
Nothing is perfect, the world is not perfect, so it looks beautiful. (大佐)
完璧などはありえない. この世界は不全だ。だから、美しい.
Even so, we still believe that people will not gain without paying. The pain we endure must be the price paid for what we get. And no matter who it is, you will get something if you put in the effort. Equivalent exchange is not a principle of the world, but a day when we meet again. This is an agreement between my brother and me. (ARU)
それでも僕らは信じている。人は代価なしに何も得ることができない. 僕らが受けた痛みは、きっと何かを得るための代価だったはずだ。そして、人は誰でも、 Hard workという代価を払うことで、必ず何かを得ることができると。Wait for the exchange of は世界の principleじゃない. いつかまた会う日まで交わした、僕と哥哥さんの......設定だ。
"Things more important than oneself and more important than dreams will always exist..."
いつだってあるぞ. Self-divided よりも、梦よりも、大事なことを.
"Even the command, nor necessary to comply with unreasonable things, make yourself stand in the position of having to comply with."
Taとえcommand ro uとでthou, not the reason na koとでki ni ju-u-waべstarting it. 従わなくていいlocationになろうと.
"Stand up and walk forward, don't you have a pair of beautiful long legs?" (Ed)
"There is no point in the lessons that accompany the pain, because people cannot gain anything without making any sacrifices."
"Living, one day life will burn out, the body will return to the earth, and flowers and plants will bloom. The soul turns into a memory. , Live forever in people’s hearts. Everything in the world is endless, cyclical, and human life is the same."
"The person who suffers can fall asleep, the person who inflicts pain can't sleep...So from today I will not Sleep again!"
痛みを受けても眠ることはできる. 痛みを与えれば眠ることはできない......ならば今日より我は眠らぬっ!
"Tortured by pain, I can't sleep peacefully, but I don't have to worry about it anymore. I have tracked down to eternal sleep."
痛みを与えては、眠ることをできぬ......だが、もうその心配はいららららららららららららその心配はいらららららそ もはや眠りを求めることを.......
I don't understand alchemy, but I know what they want to do is not a simple thing. That's why they can make themselves unable to regret by letting themselves lose their homes. ——Grandma Binaco
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