
Hayden 2022-04-23 07:01:02

It's not like a movie anymore. Almost everyone who has watched "The Hacker II" is trying to figure it out.

What is the truth of the Matrix? Discussions about the plot can be seen everywhere on the Internet, involving philosophy, religion, history, computers, physics, myths and legends. , the connotation and denotation of this film really stand up to these discussions. It's just that the deeper the discussion, the further away everything is from the movie.

In my opinion, as a movie, "The Matrix" is a natural stunner, adding a little bit too much and a little bit too little, love a movie like this, every link in it, every dialogue is right, all is the most appropriate. "The Matrix" is to us what "Star Wars" was to the 1960s. It turned out to be a miracle. Perfection does not need explanation, but "Hacker II" is an explanation, a perfect section adorned with preface and postscript. Business is to do what you like, and if you win plaudits in the first episode, you will definitely get a double copy in "Hacker II". There are more martial arts, more dazzling bullets, and more fashionable shapes. Except for the surprising plot, it seems that everything is not as good as imagined. Maybe our appetite is too high.

"The history of the Matrix is ​​longer than you think. In fact, we have destroyed the Matrix for the sixth time," the last creator said to Neo. "Hacker II" expands this story into a larger and deeper story, so deep that there is no reference to determine what is virtual, real, human, machine, time, and god. In the second episode of connecting the past and the future, everything suddenly became uncertain. In fact, such a complicated story is already too heavy for a movie, especially a commercial film with huge market expectations. Both the rhythm of the story and the visual effects must be considered. All the protagonists are nagging. , A large section of esoteric dialogue and dazzling martial arts are connected bluntly. Neo fights with a hundred people, and at the end of the fight, he runs away. It turns out that he can run so easily, and the spectacular fight is just a show of skills. From the outside, "Hacker II" is basically a martial arts film.

"The Matrix" is not a super blockbuster. The wisdom in the film is not like "Pearl Harbor" and "The Lord of the Rings". As in an episode, a wonderful story wrapped in a masterful way. In fact, this film should be watched together with the third film, and it is a bit of a no-brainer to simply evaluate "Hacker II". But in a fight between Neo and French politicians, the interrupted stone pillar fell to the ground, no matter how it looked like a prop made of foam, the "sense of the end of the world" highway that spent millions of dollars to build is not enough to kill. The disco music accompanying this scene is also unbearable. Most of the newly added actor faces and acting skills look awkward, and even the eldest brother Morpheus is only a deputy-level captain. The first time I didn't understand the plot at all, the second time I felt that the mysterious dialogue of the characters' words was fascinating. The movie isn't based on a novel, but it's probably more appropriate to say it now.

Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" refers to the "anthropic principle" of cosmology many times, meaning that the reason we see the universe as it is just because if it wasn't like this, we wouldn't be here to study it. A movie that can make people look forward to the sequel is like a big flower pot, the soil and humidity and temperature are comfortable, so they are willing to continue to plant imaginary flowers and plants on this land. After watching "Hacker II", one feeling is that all the flowers and plants you have been waiting for in the past few years have been plucked up, and all the dizzying corn cobs have grown out. You can say that it is a pure kung fu film, you can say that it is a pure philosophical film, but you are not willing to say that this is the imagined "Hacker II". Wang Yishu

some interesting finds

Rating: ★★★☆ (out of 4 stars)

The characters in "The Matrix II" are a bit convoluted, especially Morpheus, who often comes up with a high-level argument, and is printed on paper like a Shakespearean (ambiguous) pun. The meaning of these dialogues is not its meaning, but its impact, and the guys in the film seem to be really saying something very esoteric. But those esoteric phrases don't stop "hacker fans" from posting endlessly online, analyzing the so-called "hacker" philosophy, and one of the joys of doing so is unearthing the depths of shallow popular myths. Becoming an expert in righteousness and, even more comically, an authority on a mix of cultures.

I don't mean to say this to be disgusting, but to be amused. The Matrix (1999), directed by brothers Andy Wachowski and Laura Wachowski, concocts a lot of heady pseudo-philosophies, an ultra-technical sci-fi adventure that combines various Common elements come together, including heroes and villains, special effects and gimmicks, drag racing and explosions, romance and wordplay, and more. Compared with what the first episode provided, "Hacker II" developed its unique world with more details, and at the beginning took us a glimpse of the human city Zion hidden deep underground, close to the "maternal body". "The Cave of the Hidden Core, and the movie's hero Neo is elevated from a stumbled conscript to a well-trained savior.

There are three most exciting scenes in the film. First, Morpheus manipulates Neo to concentrate his beliefs and jump over a long distance, soaring and destroying batches of cloned robot detective Smith. Yes; the second great scene is Morpheus returning to Zion base to speak to the crowd, after which the residents dance to the frantic thumping noises, interrupting Neo and Trinity who are having sex, I think their bodies Really making love, though you might not believe it; the third segment comes from a dizzying chase of cars, motorcycles, and truck trailers that logically takes place in virtual space, but doesn't detract from the long The thrilling feeling of racing for 14 minutes.

I suddenly realized that in this film, most of the protagonists are played by African-Americans. Except for Neo, Trinity, and Robot Detective Smith, who are white, the other characters, Morpheus, his boss, Commander Locke, The beautiful but deadly Neobi, the programmer Link, Link's wife ZEE, and the Prophet... From these people, we can see something special: the residents of Zion Base are mostly black!

It's not uncommon for a sci-fi epic to use an African-American star or two, but it's been a long time since Billy Dee Williams in "Jeddy Returns," and Wachowski has Brothers use so many African American actors, I guess, not because of their box office appeal, because The Matrix is ​​a movie star in itself; not because these actors are good actors, but for white teenagers Yes, they are the main audience for this movie, African American means cool, a label, a certification. By: Roger Ebert (Columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times)

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Extended Reading

The Matrix Reloaded quotes

  • The Oracle: So, let's get the obvious stuff out of the way.

    Neo: You're not human, are you?

    The Oracle: It's tough to get any more obvious than that.

  • The Oracle: It seems that every time we meet, I have nothing but bad news. I'm sorry about that, I surely am. But for what it's worth, you've made a believer out of me. Good luck, kiddo.