Win or lose, you will know in the end.

Creola 2022-04-23 07:01:03

"There Will Be Blood" movie review

This is an extremely ironic movie. Every plot and every picture is vivid and impressive. Let me talk about the most impressive clips:

1. The story begins with a broken leg for mining

2. Mary Sander will be beaten by her father if she does not pray

3. He kept saying that he loved his son, but because his son was deaf, he threw him on the train and abandoned him.

4. Eli was beaten by Daniel, slapped all the time, pulled his hair, and fell to the ground, not daring to fight back. When he got home, he fought against his father.

5. When Daniel became famous, someone came to impersonate his younger brother.

6. Being held by Bandy, Daniel had to bow his head to the religion he hated, and Eli also "baptized" him in the same way that Daniel treated himself.

7. In the middle of the story, Daniel hugs Mary in front of her father and protects her in front of her father. Later, after the "baptism" in the church, Daniel was embarrassed, and the kind Mary hugged him tightly from behind.

8. After years of Daniel's conversation with his son, he finally broke with his son, and HW decided to take Mary away from him.

9. In the bowling alley, Eli said for the money, "I'm a false prophet, and God is a superstition."

10. Daniel killed Eli himself, sat on the ground and said, "I'm done."

Every piece is worth chewing and thinking deeply. The relationship between Daniel and Eli is the most vivid expression of human nature. For the character of Daniel, the first word that comes to mind is to be competitive. He has achieved the ultimate goal of being competitive. He wants to win everything and thinks that others are comparing him with him. When someone from Standard Oil talked to him, it didn't mean that at all, and he still does. Competitiveness is Daniel's greatest strength and Daniel's greatest weakness. Why, because a large part of the reason he's so big is that he's won something back, but while he's winning something, he's also losing something. Daniel reminds me of two sentences:

1. Be competitive and die by being competitive.

2. Later, he had everything and nothing.

3. He won very beautifully in the end, but also lost very badly. (Bowling all the way to the fullest)

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.