Drama life under foggy silhouette

Marquise 2022-04-23 07:01:03

Judging from the name of the film alone, the style of the film is more like a bloody killing movie, with a 2.5-hour timeline narrative, and there is still tension on the dramatic stage. The director is extremely bold in combining theocracy with the realistic American dream. The collision, although the devil who yearns for the gods and the gods who have fallen to hell, is vividly portrayed, but it is also this excessive ambition that misses Oscar. The entire film is set in a desolate oil mining area at the end of the nineteenth century. The unpolluted blue sky and the oil being developed. The billowing black fog covers part of the blue sky. The director deliberately made Daniel and his miners reflect on the gray land. in silhouette. The dark oil turned the underground into a hellish appearance, and the world outside the oil well was particularly dazzling and bright against the white rocks. Daniel appeared underground in the opening film, setting an inseparable "hell contract" for the protagonist. Before the oil well caught fire, Paul was standing under the wooden shelf of the oil mine and earnestly practicing his performance in the church. The bright sunlight behind him made the picture form a silhouette. Paul was standing under the cross frame like a god, but the only thing that was unknown was that in the picture The face of the god, the director deliberately used the effect of silhouette to suggest the falseness of the god, making it an unknown black shell. When the oil well caught fire, the sky was blackened by the thick smoke, and the only light in the orange fire seat was the only light, which turned various figures into silhouettes. The backlight eclipses the characters, loses their soul, and only has a body. The scarlet smudge frame makes everyone appear radical. In this scene, Daniel is reduced to a real devil. Also in this play, the sound engineer unconventionally used witchcraft music to drive the rhythm, making the whole film immersed in magic and full of the breath of divine guidance. Starting from the amplified blowout sound, Daniel picked up his son and started running. Drums, wooden hammers, and rustling came in, forming a mysterious music for divination by primitive people. Then, the tight violin sound was added along with the collapse of the oil tower, which once again brought the character's inner excitement and tension to the screen. It was also Daniel's ambition that was inflated after the fire, and finally ended with the sound of a cannon. Similarly, Daniel and his younger brother used the same style of music when they went on a field survey after seeing William Bandy in vain. The divination sound of witchcraft appeared again, this time it became a lot more humorous, and it made people feel The uneasiness made the red iron rod with a warning sign, revealing that Daniel later killed for oil and accepted spiritual baptism, but this baptism washed away the last trace of Daniel's dignity, and was killed by a fake in hell. God deprives people of hearts. After this dramatic baptism, Paul and Daniel's identities began to change. "The Devil Gets Out" is probably the most heart-rending line in the whole film. It is controlled by Paul's exaggerated actions and dramatic, and this Paul dressed as "God's messenger" is only fascinated by interests and deceives ignorant gods. Followers, facing Daniel, he is a church walker who is always begging to keep holy. When he was beaten by Daniel in the oil shoal, he was cowardly, so he had to run to his home and cross his father's nest. The director exposed Paul's behavior step by step. In the climax part of the film, the gods in this hell are revealed in their original form, and the actors perform an extremely dramatic performance to complete the final character replacement. Daniel, who was finally framed in the dark castle, was more like a tyrant, making Paul say eight times "I'm a fake prophet, God is a product of superstition", this oil tycoon crazy for profit, from his appearance in the oil mine The way lays the foundation for his life pursuit, and the murder of his son further pushes Daniel to the brink of hell. The appearance of the fake younger brother deprives Daniel of his only support for losing his adopted son. After all, the devil who wants to become a god is still trapped in hell with Paul. . This kind of crazy image is in "Farewell My Concubine" for Cheng Dieyi who becomes a demon and in "Black Swan" for dancing into a demon (I forgot what it is called, let's make do with it), while "Scarlet General" Daniel in "To" is a magician for profit. The whole film is driven by profit, dramatic characters serve for profit, and profit also makes these characters dramatic. Light, shadow and music become the inner monologue of the characters, outlined by black outlines, and the mysterious music beats out, finally converging on interests. The director used this extreme method of blasphemy to attack the stubbornness of interests, the deep commentary of the American dream, and in the area, the intrigue in the city was transferred to the desolate oil mining area, with a pale sense of ruin and huge real profits. Contrasting, forming a strong contrast, in terms of content, putting a dirty coat on the holy gods is the greatest criticism of interests. Perhaps the director's extreme marginalization has angered the politically correct Oscar, and only a simple nomination has become an unpopular film. The blood is coming, and the blood is not endless killing and death, but people's greed against the gods.

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.