life choice

Garnett 2022-04-22 07:01:02

(Personal essays, non-serious film reviews, turn left when going out of the bicycle, to avoid wasting your precious time)

The 3rd review I wrote tonight, this movie is my favorite one I have seen in the past few days, although he is very depressing and the soundtrack is very special, the whole atmosphere of the movie is very charming, I say this , may be a little inappropriate, but it is really like a clown hiding in the dark and spying on history. The point of attention is the intricate relationship between human nature and history, as well as the sparks in the air!

I don't know much about this director, but after watching this movie, I was impressed by his film style. This story is a one-line story. During the process of watching it, I kept worrying about the safety of the protagonist. What is the reason? He doesn't deserve my sympathy, why do I have this thought? Maybe I saw confusion and loneliness in him. It's not like this. He is very wise, far-sighted, and even bad. Forget it, I'd better take care of myself!

The role of the priest is not well played, although his setting is a magic stick, to have such a state of hysteria, but his performance did not make me feel wonderful, maybe because the protagonist Daniel's acting skills are too perfect Now, every gesture, a look, a frown, and even a sigh are all dramas. Although there are some crazy states, they are definitely the highlight of the whole drama!

After watching the movie, I wondered what did the director express? Human nature, emotion, survival under the node of the times? Maybe all of them. The climax of the whole play is at the end. When the priest is facing the test of money and says that his faith is a lie, I believe that the kind of despair comes from the collapse of faith. Maybe he has long since lost faith. He knows that he is a magician and is just deceiving himself, but I still feel pity when I see him crying. Poor people must have something to hate. I think this paragraph is the most realistic portrayal!

Blood is coming, this name seems to have some very thoughtful feelings, in fact, it is also the case in the movie, such as the people killed by the protagonist Daniel, I don't know whether killing people in that era was really possible because of their fame and profit. With impunity, can anyone really give up a lot of bottom lines in the face of interests? The characters in the movie are constantly doing multiple-choice questions, some are bearing humiliation, some are venting their emotions, and some are desperate! , I can't take this film as a pure inspirational film, although he has a process of struggle, from a poor public with a broken leg to an oil tycoon, these things can be ignored, I think it comes to me The greatest meaning is reflected in the choice of life, moving forward with difficulty, happiness is not because of how much wealth you have, and inner peace does not necessarily come from faith!

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.