It's just that time is interesting

Josefina 2022-04-21 09:01:08

The film also involves time travel, which is not only a popular theme, but also an eternal classic theme of science fiction works, but it depends on the level of the creator. The film also raises the most head-scratching and frustrating questions and assumptions in time travel, such as: If I went back ten years ago, found me at that time, and shot him down, would I? So it disappears? Or if I travel to the future, find me ten years later, and collapse myself in front of him, will he disappear with the sound of "piu"? It is not that I can't get through with myself, but I want to express the proposition of time and space travel directly, that is, if we can travel through time and space, whether we can change our history.
Therefore, although this film is a new film, it is not novel in terms of subject matter and creativity. I watch this film for three reasons, one is that there are two male protagonists, the other is that there is no other film that attracts me more, and the third is that it is a group-buying film Tickets are about to expire.
To be honest, I really liked Bruce Willis, unlike other tough guy actors, I always thought he had a playful cynicism about him, especially when he was talking with his mouth crooked and grinning, when he appeared in In "Friends", I felt that this dude found a way for himself again. However, in this film, he is not comedy at all, and it is also very tragic. He should belong to the kind of character who will do anything to seek revenge after his family is destroyed. Overall, he feels quite satisfactory, and there is no breakthrough. He should still seek a transformation.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt seems to be very popular recently, and seems to be nicknamed Joseph, but I have seen only three of his films - "Inception", "Batman: 3" and this "Circle" The messenger", to be honest, this film should be regarded as the worst of the three. Most of the time in the film, he acts like a MV, coolly posing and walking, maybe the plot is relatively simple, The action scenes are also very rough, so there is not much room for him to play.
On the contrary, the little boy actor in the film is a bit interesting, with a little gloom and coolness of a little adult, it seems that he should be a good child star blank. As for Xu Qing and the Chinese scenes in the movie, I can only use four words to describe them - a glimpse of the light. It feels like a dispensable publicity stunt added by the producers in order to capture the box office in the Chinese market.
Again, I don’t know if it’s a problem with the movie theater I chose, or the filmmakers did it deliberately. The sound effects in the movie are too loud, especially the sound effects of the firearms, which are a bit harsh.
Last but not least, I am afraid that the same theme will continue to be put on the big screen repeatedly in the future. It is because the proposition of time is so interesting. If you have a relationship with time, you will find that you will never be able to tell, so time is very interesting.

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Looper quotes

  • Older Joe: This is a piece of indentifying information on the Rainmaker. He's here. He lives here now. In this county. And I'm gonna use this to find him. And I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna stop him from killing my wife.

    Joe: Fuck you. And your wife. None of this concerns me.

    Older Joe: This is gonna happen...

    Joe: It happened to you. It doesn't have to happen to me. You got a picture right there in my watch? Let me see. Show me the picture. As soon as I see her, I walk away. I'll fucking marry someone else. Promise. So when I see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right? She'll be gone. If you give her up, she'll be safe.

    Older Joe: Give her up?

    Joe: Yeah, give her up. You're the one who got her killed. She never meets you, she's safe.

    Older Joe: You don't understand. We don't have to give her up. I'm not gonna give her up. I'm gonna save her.

  • Joe: There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people.