kill the future

Scotty 2022-04-20 09:01:05

I rub, Joe used the future commission he got from murder to go to the pawnshop to exchange RMB. Joseph was barely recognizable, his face, especially his eyes, changed. After killing his future self, he went to Shanghai, China. After spending money on drugs, he robbed and forced to destroy Chinese society. Xu Qing sticking out her tongue and kissing Bruce Willis wet is so tempting. The rain caller yelled at her mother at such a young age: You are a liar. The fierce look frightened her mother. The farm girl hadn't worked for a long time and finally met a man she liked. Joe couldn't stand it. He rang the bell to call Joe to insert it, and it was nice to smoke a cigarette afterward. The rain caller was so powerful that he floated all the furniture at the age of just a few years and exploded people alive. His biological mother's sister, the mother he never forgot, also exploded to death when he called him. Even letting him go, hoping that he will become a good person in the future, isn't he afraid that his nature is difficult to move tigers, it's just a bomb that doesn't know when it will explode. Then Joe thought that the future Joe had killed his mother in order to chase down the Raincaller, and finally the Raincaller had twisted his mind and became a bad guy. Then the cycle of disaster continues, so I kill myself, and the Raincaller will not be a Raincaller with his mother. In fact, why bother, if the little boy's mother is killed by someone else one day in the future, he will still become a rain caller, just kill the scourge of the child.

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Looper quotes

  • Older Joe: This is a piece of indentifying information on the Rainmaker. He's here. He lives here now. In this county. And I'm gonna use this to find him. And I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna stop him from killing my wife.

    Joe: Fuck you. And your wife. None of this concerns me.

    Older Joe: This is gonna happen...

    Joe: It happened to you. It doesn't have to happen to me. You got a picture right there in my watch? Let me see. Show me the picture. As soon as I see her, I walk away. I'll fucking marry someone else. Promise. So when I see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right? She'll be gone. If you give her up, she'll be safe.

    Older Joe: Give her up?

    Joe: Yeah, give her up. You're the one who got her killed. She never meets you, she's safe.

    Older Joe: You don't understand. We don't have to give her up. I'm not gonna give her up. I'm gonna save her.

  • Joe: There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people.