A wave brings a sail

Santino 2022-04-20 09:01:02

Chuck is working at FedEX , running around busy
with work , meeting with his girlfriend for a few minutes before a business trip, giving each other New Year's gifts The waves swept back to the island, the raft destroyed people, but I continued to feed myself with coconut crabs. Fortunately , some express parcels that floated in provided a small amount of items . Toothache knocked out my teeth with stones and skates. Desperately cheering for the success of drilling wood and making fire, and stubbornly surviving for 4 years, I can skillfully fork fish. In the meantime only a pocket watch with photos embedded in my girlfriend's parting gift and a homemade volleyball dummy accompany one day at sea. A cabinet board was born to be used as a sail. The idea relies on strong belief and rich knowledge and decided to return to making a raft. The last 30 feet of rope used to make a raft was originally made for the wooden man who tried to hang himself and failed to commit suicide Wife and mother are sorry , the sun rises every day, keep breathing, the tide will bring a sail and other things, no matter what, cherish life , stay strong, and go back to the desert island . Only half of the DICK&BETTINA on BETTINA has left a note at home Thank you this package for saving his life This is the only package left or a sustenance for an outlying island Return to the intersection to park, look at the map, consider where to go , get off the car when you meet a passionate woman, take the initiative to point the way, and say goodbye to the woman The family saw the logo on the back of the woman's car, it was the owner of the package

Mrs.Peterson, who was betrayed by Mr.Peterson in those days, thought

for a moment, turned around and smiled and faced the direction of the woman's home. Will
he have a good story with the warm hostess who wrapped the package?

A good film supported by Tom Hanks
alone , I don't believe this is not A

personal record of a FedEX advertising blockbuster non-movie review

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Extended Reading

Cast Away quotes

  • Chuck Noland: I should've never gotten on that plane. I should've never gotten out of the car.

  • Chuck Noland: Hey, is all this turbulence from Santa and those eight tiny reindeer?