As a Marvel 'Newbie' movie review

Gregorio 2022-04-21 09:01:09

First of all, as a newcomer who has just entered the big hole of Marvel, I am very happy that the first series of movies I watched was Spider-Man.
Speaking of actors, the Dutch brother is too cute... The character of his own words and tuberculosis perfectly interprets Spider-Man in the original comics. But if there are more spoilers, it will be dangerous hahahahaha.
Let's talk about the plot, it tells the story of how Daddy Tony 'recovered' the little spider into the Avengers, which is a mix of fun and tension. If the last second you were lying down and saying "Okay I'm done" because the spider kept fighting but couldn't get up, or because Tony said "Other people say I'm crazy to hire a 14 year old kid" ." Peter replied, "I'm 15." Tony replied again: "Shut up, the adults are talking" and when it was funny; the next scene may be being pressed under the stone and shouting for help, crying heart-rending Spider-Man with split lungs.
In short, a very, very good-looking movie!
---------------------- From a newcomer who is fanned by the little spider and the Dutch brother

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Extended Reading

Spider-Man: Homecoming quotes

  • Adrian Toomes: The rich, the powerful, like Stark, they don't care about us! The world's changed boys, time we change too!

  • Peter Parker: I've gotta go.

    Michelle: Where are you going?

    [Peter stares at her]

    Michelle: What are you hiding, Peter?

    [Peter still stares at her, at a loss for words]

    Michelle: [laughs] I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye.