The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Spider-Man: Innovations and Flaws

Ibrahim 2022-04-21 09:01:07

Spider-Man, this superhero in a super cool red and blue battle suit and domineering sunglasses, why is his adaptations able to be put on the screen again and again and still popular all over the world? Today, why is this film with a small and medium-cost investment and a review of the glorious history of Spider-Man still able to reap a high box office?
The answer is surprisingly simple. The image and story of Spider-Man has a very high audience base. On a purely visual level, Spider-Man is perhaps the most ethereal of all superheroes. Different from the cumbersomeness of the Hulk, the high-tech support of Iron Man, the ring worn by Green Lantern and the necessary imagination, Spider-Man walks the rivers and lakes with spider silk and leaps in the high-rise buildings in New York. This super power determines the smoothness and elegance of the Spider-Man series of cinematography and fighting scenes, so seeing Spider-Man's sculpted and graceful figure on the screen will not cause visual fatigue for a long time.
Just as important as the visual aspect is that Spider-Man is perhaps the most populist superhero. Iron Man and Batman both have a high social status, and Peter Parker, as an ordinary high school student, is of course very different from them. Parker has a student status that most people experience, so it helps build a broad audience base. Such an ordinary high school student has a weak sense of existence and is often bullied by school bullies. His process of acquiring superpowers and completing a huge identity transition is more like the American Dream than other heroes. Coupled with the addition of mainstream ideology and a strong personal heroism complex, this is obviously the most important reason why Spider-Man has become the "national hero" of the United States and his vigorous posture has swept the world.
But bringing Spider-Man to the screen again comes at a risk. The audience's tastes are constantly updated, the phenomenon of becoming more and more difficult to serve and the innovative mechanism of Hollywood determine the new Spider-Man movie. If we can't innovate on the basis of the original version and shoot new tastes, failure is inevitable. Watching Spider-Man this time, I found that some adjustments have been made on the basis of the 2002 version:
1. The process of Parker's mastery of superpowers has been simplified. The 02 edition has a detailed description of a series of changes that occurred after Parker was bitten. Parker returned home and had a nightmare. When he woke up, he found that his eyesight had improved and his body had become stronger. When eating in the cafeteria, my wrist would stick to the spoon, and later I struggled to cover up my "spinning ability" in front of my uncles. It's entirely necessary for a movie that brought Spider-Man to the screen for the first time, and it's the details that make or break the movie. But now most of the audience has a clear understanding of Parker's transformation process, so the new version only uses the subway scene to show the formation of Parker's superpowers. Later, the film's description of Parker's process of practicing his skills is completed with only one scene showing him sliding in the air and skateboarding, and the process of Parker learning to climb the wall is combined with the scene where he and the gangster play hide-and-seek. , the lens is cleanly explained and innovative.
2. The tone of the new version is different from that of the old version. The most gratifying change in the new version is that the screenwriter and director have re-adjusted the tone and perspective of the film. For example, choose younger actors. Compared to Maguire and Dunst, Andrew and Emma Stone fit the profile of today's high school students, younger and more energetic. Correspondingly, the way the film deals with love is different from the 02 version. In the original, Gwen was Parker's first girlfriend, and their encounter had to be handled more youthful than in the old version. So we see that dealing with love does make a big difference. In the 2002 version, the love between Parker and Mary Jane was more tortuous. Parker hesitated and did not reveal his true identity until later Mary Jane knew that her boyfriend and her favorite hero were the same person. The new version is more fast-paced and fast-food, and Gwen knew almost immediately that Parker was Spider-Man. Of course, there is no good judgment between the two, and they each have their own advantages and tastes. The new version of the heroine, Gwen, is more charming and lively than Mary Jane, and the producer also deliberately highlights the personality gap between the two, making the encounter between the two have an interesting tension between the weak and the strong. In front of Gwen, Parker always said bad things and hesitated. When he went to the rooftop to confess, he didn't understand the woman's style, hesitating about his own thoughts; the last spider silk took the woman into his arms, and the taste went up and down. effort. The photography of this film also presents the paradigm of youth films. The high school campus has a bright tone, creating a feeling of "I really want to fall in love".
3. Innovations in photography and action scenes. In the past 10 years, Hollywood has undergone tremendous changes, and the technology has already surpassed that of 2002. So the image innovation is obvious. In the 02 version, there will be "more static" camera movements, such as a scene where the Green Goblin pilots an aircraft in pursuit of Spider-Man in Times Square, shoots a bullet, and Spider-Man keeps running. In the old version, there are still some push shots to show the faces of the actors, but the new version is more stable and smooth. The scene of the confrontation between Spider-Man and the Lizardman in the library is not known to be many times more complicated than the 02 version.
After enumerating some innovations, it is still inevitable to say that the overall level of the new version of Spider-Man is not as good as the 02 version. Here's why.
1. The portrayal of Spider-Man in the new work is not as good as the 02 version. The most important part of the Spider-Man series is how Peter Parker, a high school student in the rebellious period of his youth, realizes that he has the responsibility to use his superpowers reasonably and for justice. Or, how Spider-Man became Spider-Man. In the process of transforming from man to man, the psychological motivation behind Spider-Man's series of rescue actions will be reflected. In the 2002 version, when Peter Parker got superpowers, he was elated at first and used his superpowers to make money in the boxing ring, because he saw Mary Jane sitting in a rich second generation car before, he was born to make money The idea of ​​buying a car. So, when the staff refused to give Parker a bonus, it was quite understandable for a young teenager to watch the robbers rob. But this move directly led to the death of his uncle. When he was dying, he just rightly said that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, so Parker awakened his consciousness, found the robber and started his righteous cause in the future. Compared with the 02 version, the new version's treatment is that Parker indirectly caused the death of his uncle because of a bottle of milk, which is a bit sloppy compared to the previous work. The process of chasing the murderer is different from the clean and neat process of the previous work, but it was dragged for a long time, but in the end, it was not settled. We did not see that the murderer was not caught. This long line of chasing the murderer directly took up too much time, and then it was a direct confrontation with the lizardmen. There was a lack of reasonable psychological transition in the middle, resulting in the new Spider-Man not as good as the old Spider-Man's resonance in the audience. Strong sense.
2. Spiderman and Lizardman. The duel between Spider-Man and the Lizardman is not as exciting as the duel between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. In the new work, Spider-Man and Lizardmen fight as soon as they meet, lacking due communication. In fact, this kind of communication is precisely necessary. From the perspective of the play, Peter Parker should have complex feelings for the lizardmen. First of all, the lizard man was a colleague of Parker's parents before he transformed, and it was also a link for Parker to understand his parents. In Parker's heart, he is undoubtedly important; in addition, he is also a scientist with ideals of benefiting the world, which can easily inspire Parker. Then, with this kind of understanding, it is impossible for Spider-Man and the Lizardman to fight as soon as they meet. The two need some language confrontation, otherwise the role of the Lizardman will appear too monotonous. In the same way, the lizard man should also have a complicated mentality towards Parker. In the movie, when he saw Parker's name printed on the back of the sewer camera, he was not surprised, but crushed it viciously; A scientist with lofty ideals, he suddenly turned into a heinous monster, lacking transition.
Therefore, in the "Double Heroes Contest" that appeared in this year's domestic summer season, the Amazing Spider-Man is undoubtedly much more paediatric than Batman's last strong momentum.

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The Amazing Spider-Man quotes

  • Jack's Father: Who are you?

    Spider-Man: Spider-Man.

  • Ben Parker: Peter? I know things have been difficult lately and I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling. Ever since you were a little boy, you've been living with so many unresolved things. Well, take it from an old man. Those things send us down a road... they make us who we are. And if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you, son. You owe the world your gifts. You just have to figure out how to use them and know that wherever they take you, we'll always be here. So, come on home, Peter. You're my hero... and I love you!