"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" The third film in the Harry Potter series, adapted from the novel of the same name, was directed by Alfonso Cuaron this time. The film was released in 2004. In the first two works of this film, the sense of children's literature has been greatly reduced, and the rhythm of the film has become very fast. The characters in this film are all one year older than before, so the plot is more suspenseful, and the film has a darker atmosphere. The image of the dementor perfectly presents the image design in the novel. The third Harry Potter, not particularly adult, is actually a lot more restrained than the later works. It is said that the role of Sirius Black was proposed by the creative team to play Johnny Depp, but in the end Rowling rejected the proposal with a purely British cast, and used the equally outstanding Gary Oldman to play the role. The third work, outlining the story of Harry Potter's father James, and his small team, the overall design is fascinating, whether Harry Potter is the greatest fantasy literary novel of this era. And this clue is just unfolding, and the exciting things are still to come. 9 points.
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