Can't finish the series...

Kody 2022-04-21 09:01:10

In an extremely boring time, I finished watching this Star Wars drama for the first time, hahaha (to make up the number of words), it is really a sense of sight between the two sides in the rage. Is it because Donnie Yen and Uncle Jiang Wen have to join different creatures from the seven continents and four oceans to be a qualified cosmic movie? To be honest, I really admire the stylist's brain hole.

Personally, I don't really like this kind of movies that are the original, the prequel, the side story and the sequel. When I saw the title of this film, I became angry for a while. It was originally rumored to be Rogue One, but when will the second film be filmed?

Maybe the good should really stay in memory!

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Extended Reading

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story quotes

  • Cassian Andor: [referring to Jyn's blaster] Where'd you get that?

    Jyn Erso: I found it.

    K-2SO: I find that answer vague and unconvincing.

  • Galen Erso: I love you, Stardust.

    Young Jyn: I love you too, Papa.