Ted Teddy Bear (2012)

Mustafa 2022-04-22 07:01:02

In fact, I watched Ted 2 first, a comedy recommended to me by many people recently, but I decided to start my review with this first one.

John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg), who has not been social since he was a child, wants to have a good friend. When he got a toy teddy bear for Christmas, John made a wish that the teddy bear would have life and wake up. , his wish came true, Ted the teddy bear came alive and became John's best friend, growing up with John. Magic Power, the beginning of a fairy tale, however, is not a fairy tale. When John meets his beloved girlfriend, Lori Collins (Mila Kunis), when Lori wants to have a two-person world with John, when John needs to become a more mature and independent man, John and Ted have been together for more than 20 years. How to adjust to the new life after separation...

When Ted was released in 2012, the advertisements were overwhelming: the movie poster of the hero and the teddy bear going to the bathroom together can be seen everywhere, advertising boxes, stations, and even buses and On the body of the tram; in fact, I didn't specifically look for the trailer for this movie, but I've seen it many times, not to mention in cinemas and TV, and it's advertised on many websites.

I'm actually not a big fan of comedy films, especially American humor that uses dirty words as a point of laughter, but when I'm depressed, whether it's work or life, the weather outside the window is gloomy, watching comedy films, listening to With the protagonist F**k the world, I feel my unhappiness will also be vented.

The online reviews of the film are mixed, some people think it's too vulgar, just like when I first saw the commercial, and some people think it's good, just like I feel after watching it on a whim. Of course, it's impossible to compare this comedy with those high-scoring feature films, but I did get inspired by the story of this film, whether it be rants, swear words, dirty jokes, sarcastic dialogues, I can Feel the attentiveness of the director and actors, feel the emotion behind the story, thunder buddy for life!

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Extended Reading

Ted quotes

  • Ted: [Regarding him split in half] God... I look like the robot from Aliens.

  • Ted: [sigh] Look, John... loves you very much. More than anything in the world, and he's... fallin' to fuckin' pieces without ya. Y'know, he knows he screwed up huge, but, you gotta believe me: it wasn't all his fault... Alright? I told him to bale on you, that night at Rex's. And he said, "No."... He said, "No." He was gonna stay there with you, and I twisted his arm, Lori... I promise, I will leave and I will never come back. Alright? He'll be all yours.

    Lori: Ted, that's a really nice offer, but I don't want you to do that... This is between John and me, and... I don't think it can be fixed...

    Ted: Yeah, because o' me! Look, look, Lori, you want him to be a man... Alright? But, as long as he's got his teddy bear... he's always gonna be a boy... He's waitin' down at Charlie's right now. So, if you go down there, and just talk to him... I'll be gone when you get back... forever. And... you'll see... He'll never be scared of thunder again.