If you had an open life, would you live like this?

Yvonne 2022-04-20 09:01:02

Xiaopai had always wanted to write "The Shape of Water" before, but he was afraid that he would not be able to write it well, so he never wrote it.

Today Xiaopai recommends another movie. Remember Michael Shannon from The Shape of Water ?

The movie I recommend today is the first movie that Michael Shannon starred in .

Let's compare and see what Michael Shannon has been through all these years

The movie is "Groundhog Day"

Groundhog Day mainly tells the story of Phil, a weather announcer, who, after encountering a blizzard on a mission, stayed on the previous day but couldn't go any further, and began his repeated life story.

This movie is the originator of infinite loop movies, and there are many related movies, such as "Horror Cruise", "Happy Death Day", "Source Code" and so on.

Groundhog Day is a lot different from them, and it's a superb comedy with cleverly conceived, hilarious gags.

The hero Phil doesn't like his job, he doesn't like his life, he doesn't like the people around him, and he doesn't even like himself.

On the traditional American Groundhog Day (February 2), Phil went to town to report on the groundhog. But then something very magical happened, that is, every time he woke up in the morning, it was the same day: it was always February 2, Groundhog Day! !

No matter what the content of the story is, the protagonist lives on the same day every day, and we still never get tired of watching such low-budget movies.

After all, many people want to live on the same day, a never-ending life, never grow old, and be in control of what's going on around them.

The constant repetition made Phil feel puzzled, excited, fearful, hopeless and finally relieved . From an absurd beginning to a heartwarming ending, the themes are thought-provoking and educational.

First stage doubts:

Waking up the next day or Monday, am I dreaming?

The same people will always appear, the same things will happen: wake up to the same radio broadcast every day, someone will strike up a conversation with him, an old lady will chat with him and ask him about breakfast and the weather.

Met beggars and old friends who sold insurance on the road, reported on the show...and so on.

This made Phil feel weird and puzzled.

The second stage of stimulation:

Phil asked the drinker

"What would you do if you were stuck in one place and it was exactly the same every day, and nothing could change the status quo?"

"That's how my life is!"

Life may be like this, spinning in circles does nothing, how can we break out of this cycle?

The difference is how you view tomorrow, whether it is half empty (every day repeated) or half full (every day is a new day).

After a while, Phil finds that having everything on Groundhog Day will bring him a lot of convenience, because he can do whatever he wants without worrying about the punishment tomorrow.

crazy racing

You can hook up with girls without any worries

The next morning, I was still comfortably lying in my bed and started another sunny Groundhog Day.

The third stage of despair:

However, it didn't take long for him to get tired of all this again, because when everything went well, he found that the only thing he couldn't do was to win the favor of the heroine (his colleague) Rita.

Phil went to learn about Rita's living habits and things he liked. Although he spent a lot of time trying to please her, he was all in vain.

He began to lose confidence in life again, and began to live negatively. What was even more terrifying was that he couldn't kill himself.

suicide by car


suicide by jumping off a building

He also blew himself up, was assassinated, shot, poisoned, froze to death, burned himself, and woke up unhurt every morning.

The fourth stage of release:

This is how people are. After experiencing many juxtapositions of death, Phil finally came to his senses. Since he can't escape all this, it is better to live such a good day.

So he started to improve his relationships, to try to learn everything, not just for any purpose, but to enjoy life to the fullest.

Phil learned the piano

learn ice sculpture

Helping old people on the streets

seriously report

rescued the child who fell from the tree

Help someone else fix their car

These were all things Phil didn't want to do or didn't want to do before. After so much, Phil was reborn and became a person with meaning.

Finally, after countless February 2nds, he found that his life was completely different. He met all the people in the small town that he only visited once a year, and had various stories with them, which also changed. became a popular good guy.

In the end, the changed Phil finally moved the heroine Rita's heart in one day, and spent the night together.

After getting up the next day, Phil found that Rita had not disappeared, but was still by his side, and the time had become February 3rd. That endless Groundhog Day is finally over

The article's first public account: Assign movies, so do you want to watch movies together?

View more about Groundhog Day reviews

Extended Reading

Groundhog Day quotes

  • Phil: [Holding Phil the Groundhog behind the wheel] Don't drive angry. Don't drive angry!

  • Rita: Three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and eighty-eight cents!