So mysterious, full of loopholes

Monroe 2022-04-19 09:01:03

It's a mentally retarded film made by a mentally retarded director. A lot of people say that they don't understand, which is normal. Because the director uses a lot of misleading information and a lot of information is insufficient, of course people don't understand it. This is just pretending to be advanced. For example, if I write a word and let all the people in the world guess it for 10,000 years, I don’t know what the word means. Unless I tell you the word means five donkeys. Otherwise you will never guess. And there is no point in discussing such films!

First, what does 12 monkeys refer to? The movie tells that in the future, 5 billion people will be wiped out by the virus, and the remaining people will be forced to live underground, the ground will be ruled by animals, and they will be named 12 monkeys themselves. At first I thought it was an army of monkeys like Rise of the Planet of the Apes taking over the overworld. As a result, the whole movie has nothing to do with monkeys, has nothing to do with spiders, has nothing to do with the animal protection agencies mentioned in it, and has nothing to do with animals themselves. The name of the movie and many of the shots are there to mislead people. Directors shouldn't make movies, going to UC will be more promising.

Second, about the source of the virus. This virus that can wipe out 5 billion people is either developed by a super scientist or an institution, or it is produced by the release or mutation of an ancient virus. How could scientists, rulers of the underworld, not know the origin of the virus in the first place? First of all, everyone knows that this virus may be related to the so-called 12 monkey army. The representative of the 12 Monkey Corps is Jeffrey. As the son of a super scientist and historically related to viruses, how could no one know him? It's ridiculous like no one knows Wang Sicong today! Zhong Lao's son, Dr. Li's son, was also ripped off. If scientists just confirmed the relationship between the virus and the 12 Monkey Corps through phone messages, that would be too much. In the apocalypse where 5 billion people have been wiped out, thousands of rumors of this kind emerge every day. If you know him, it will be easy to handle, and you will definitely wonder if this virus has anything to do with his biological super scientist dad. Does not one of the world's 6 billion people doubt this?

Third, from the movie, we can see that many people can travel back in time, including scientists. Why choose the male protagonist to complete the task, and find a lot of people to monitor him. Isn't this sick? Moreover, as this kind of planned crossing, two problems must be solved first. How to determine the location and time after crossing. Second, how to integrate into the crowd, what can be said to the people of this era, and what cannot be said. The second is how to complete the task. We don't see any plan or record for this either as a scientist or as a ruler of the underworld. Can such a quality rule the world? Could it be that this is the Stone Age, can you run the map with a rock and a stick?

Fourth, is the male protagonist mentally ill? I don't know what the original intention of the movie is, but at least the director made the male lead mentally ill. Suppose the male protagonist is a normal person. Being innocently imprisoned by the ruler, and being voluntarily subjected to a highly dangerous experiment with no return, it is impossible to turn over forever, and if there is a chance to do things obediently without running away, isn't this fucking sick? A patient with Stockholm Syndrome? Let's look at what the male protagonist did after he crossed over. First of all, he worked with five police officers. When questioned by violent agencies and doctors, the male protagonist was sloppy and didn't answer the questions, and his speech was unsatisfactory. Just let Brother Shu see, and you know that the male protagonist has mental problems. The ruler of the underground world sent such a thing to save the world? Isn't this crazy? The male protagonist never showed any normal nerves in the whole movie. If it is affected by the time-travel itself, why do we not see such a problem in scientists or other monitors? Why do scientists themselves have to send the male protagonist to complete the task more securely? Isn't that taking off your pants and farting?

Fifth, the voice called the male protagonist Bob is also a beggar. Everyone can't tell what is going on, because there is too little information. It's like that in Interstellar, but the movie directly tells you that life in higher dimensions provides help. And the film itself gave too little information, so everyone couldn't tell what was going on, and couldn't tell what was the use of this thing. From a fart, you can analyze whether it is a leek or a soybean, but you can't analyze what the fart has in mind?

Sixth, the man's patient in the mental hospital is Jeffrey, the leader of the 12 Monkey Corps. This Jeffrey obviously has a mania or something, and is dangerous to the people around him. Did his father know at the time that Jeffrey was mentally ill and that his son was in a mental hospital? For ordinary families, it is necessary to inform them and seek their consent, not to mention powerful families! If you don't know, the super scientist has already reorganized the mental hospital, and this movie will not be established. If you know, why would you be released into the society after it was obviously mentally ill? It's just inexplicable, the shit doesn't make sense.

After watching the whole movie, it is a mental patient. A normal person would definitely not understand it. It is said that we Chinese love to attack others morally. The West is also very good at it. Although the director made a 250 film, the director said, I reflect human nature and society, and who would dare to say that it is not good? Do you still have humanity and morals! This is invincible! So beware of so-called humanistic film directors. These directors often understand neither humanities nor movies, and the only thing they know is to pretend. Many directors can't even speak human words clearly, and they have to reflect human nature every day! Not to mention that many people still eat this set!

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Extended Reading

12 Monkeys quotes

  • James Cole: [In 1990, James is being interviewed by a panel of mental health doctors and trying to explain the situation] 1996 is the past too, listen to me!

    [the panel of doctors look at James with skeptical expressions]

    James Cole: What I...

    [James realizing this isn't going very well]

    James Cole: ... what I need to do is make a telephone call. I can straighten this all out if I can make a telephone call.

    Dr. Owen Fletcher: [Very skeptical] Who would you call? Who would straighten everything out?

    James Cole: The scientists. They'll want to know they sent me to the wrong time.

    [Dr Fletcher just nods]

    James Cole: I can leave a voice mail message that they monitor from the present.

    [Panel has mixed facial expressions]

    James Cole: Can I just make one telephone call please?

  • [while driving, they hear a news report about a police mobilization]

    Dr. Kathryn Railly: [tartly] Does that disturb you?

    James Cole: No. I thought it was about us. I thought maybe they'd captured us and arrested me.

    [Kathryn looks at him and he gives a small smile]

    James Cole: Just a joke.