1. Short the stock as soon as you get the money, Rachev: "It's cold, let the Wang Group go bankrupt."
2.007 Obviously, Lan Xiang graduated. He can drive dump trucks and lifts. He can't run and knows how to pick up trucks. Black people only know human flesh and bully people who have only attended elementary school.
3. It's too bad to run halfway through the foreplay, and you won't have this problem when you sleep directly with the villain...
4. The most amazing scene is the body gym.
5. Just wondering, is $150 million a lot for a terrorist of this size? If so, they are so poor...
6. Gambling is far less than "Fraud Game". (recommend this comic/Japanese drama/movie again)
7. I suspect that Rachev is just a face, and the real BOSS is his woman.
8. This film will be much more moving from the point of view of Rachev or his woman, from the plot to the romance.
9. It would be even more touching if Rachev was a woman and a LES.
10. The most impressive female character in the whole film is M. 007 has zero personality like the heroine.
11. The two best-looking sections: car chase at the airport, poisoning rescue. (There is such a scientific joke as to induce vomiting with concentrated salt water, which is really approachable.)
Skyfall is better than this, and I still like the plot with strong emotional motivation. It's not a simple and rude plot of luck. Technically speaking, Lao Qian didn't come up with one. I'm really disappointed. Why are you all so good.
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