like love

Darion 2022-04-21 09:01:07

In addition to Sherlock Holmes being intelligent and approachable,
his love-like dialogue with Watson, his eyes and body behavior are all to watch.

After all, Sherlock Holmes can't live without Watson,
even if he has a cunning criminal girlfriend who is like soy sauce,
even if Watson has one. The fiancee and the others are
always tied together, don't say I'm a rotten girl, and care about prostitution The crazy Sherlock Holmes is Watson . The person who touches An Jin's Watson is Sherlock Holmes. Maybe love can't reach this point . Watson was injured by a bomb. Sherlock Holmes is wanted. Sherlock Holmes still pretend to be a doctor to visit Watson Holmes Was beaten into the track of the iron ship, and the iron ship had to follow the track into the sea, Watson used his body to pounce on Sherlock Holmes, there are many, many small details, and many people say that this is ambiguous, maybe it is, it 's more like a definition like love --- you always shoot the walls of my apartment --- it's our apartment --- you always test medicine with my dog ​​--- it's our dog --- listen to Sherlock Holmes if I want Move away and I'll live with my wife instead of you Watson, so what, he's Sherlock Holmes, even if he's cunning, he's too much to set a trap for you to take risks with him, if it's not You also subconsciously acquiesced to his arrogance and his excesses, so how could he succeed. You are his Watson. You go through fire and water for him, and you are the Watson who he can give his life to with peace of mind. Moreover, your money is in his hands, right? The economy is the foundation. Ha ha.

You can fight, you can fight, you can get angry, you can have
a cold war, or you can just laugh it off.
These can't change your emotions, even if it's not love.

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Extended Reading

Sherlock Holmes quotes

  • Sherlock Holmes: What of the coffin, Lestrade?

    Inspector Lestrade: Well, we are in the process of bringing it up.

    [Holmes looks at the unmoving constables]

    Sherlock Holmes: Indeed? What stage of the process? Contemplative?

  • Sherlock Holmes: First, the world will see you for what you are: a fraud. Then you'll be hanged - properly, this time.

    Lord Blackwood: It's a long journey from here to the rope.