Diana, who came from a matriarchal society to a patriarchal society, leads the audience to feel the difference in the status of women.

Thora 2022-04-20 09:01:04

1️⃣On Paradise Island, everyone wears "combat armor" that is easy to move, and Diana, who came to the human world, came to the clothing store because the male protagonist said, "You have no clothes inside." The so-called not wearing clothes is not really not wearing, but it is in line with the needs of combat. In a society where the status of men and women is more unequal, women are less free to dress. The freedom to dress can be said to be an important factor in women's liberation.

Girdle This is your armor?

2️⃣Similarly, she found in the clothing store that women's clothing is complicated and bulky, and many designs are just to cater to male aesthetics, such as corsets and unbreathable high collars (reminds me of ancient Chinese foot bindings, which are essentially restricting women As a female warrior, the primary factor in choosing clothes is whether it is easy to fight. She finally chose a gray long coat with a neutral design. Although it is not as good as her original clothes, at least it will not limit the size. Amplitude action.

3️⃣Women's suffrage and voting rights are also important factors that cannot be ignored. In Paradise Island, the matriarchal society, queens, elders, and all decision-makers are women (this is nonsense because there are no men there, but I still want to talk about it), In the human society at that time, women were not allowed to participate in politics and were not allowed to enter the conference room. Everyone present at the time expressed their resistance to Diana who entered the conference room, and the film also mentioned that women were fighting for their right to vote at that time.

4️⃣ There have been thousands of pictures of men taking a bath from a male perspective, such as Hitchcock's "Psycho". The director of this film did the opposite and came to see a male bathing from a female perspective, not Only men look at women, women are watched and stared, and women also have the right to "consume men".

Many posters of objectifying women

At the beginning of the story, a group of male soldiers broke into the "daughter country" and provoked a war. In fact, I personally think it is a metaphor, and the two people on the boat talked about marriage, why there is no marriage in Paradise Island, because marriage is a male-dominated society. The "invention" of marriage does not exist and does not need to exist in the matriarchal society as a kidnapping system.

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Wonder Woman quotes

  • Queen Hippolyta: [gives Diana Antiope's tiara] This belonged to the greatest warrior who ever lived.

  • [Steve gives Diana glasses to wear]

    Etta Candy: Really, specs? Suddenly she's not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?