The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Barton 2022-04-22 07:01:02

Generally speaking, I don't have too many expectations for literary films, so I wasn't too disappointed after watching this film. In general, such a movie is more like an Oscar movie, and more like a movie that gets hot first and then gets cold. No matter how the whole movie goes, I'm still very pleased to find a vague touch, even though I've warmed up to touch myself beforehand.

A clock running counterclockwise, a watchmaker sailing away, a story opens the curtain of another story. "If we go back in time, maybe we can make up for those regrets." Really? So Benjamin was born on a mission to explore this sentence. The clock that went backwards gave the story a theme, so that Benjamin and the clock were born together in 1918, so that Benjamin grew up in the reverse direction from old to young, so that in the spring of the following year after the clock was changed, he died. The life of an old baby is so novel, but we seem to have not reached the conclusion of the exploration of this fantastic life in the end. There is no conclusion, perhaps the conclusion of the film. Although we artificially change the direction of the clock, it still cannot change the pace of life. We have everything we have, we lose everything we lose, and we experience everything we should experience. Therefore, the wonders of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" are so insipid, the blandness is a true portrayal, and we can't see any clues of science fiction. This is an undoubted life biography.

Bland means verbose, and for some numb viewers like me, it's just a waste of time. A David Fincher who "has unimaginable evil thoughts", a sudden transformation, is still quite normal. The film does not need extreme plots, but the film has its own flavor and color, and the film with flavor always has such a feeling, which is an important step to move closer to the Oscars. But movies never feel because of feeling, Oscar because of Oscar, a deep voice, a few words that seem to mean something, it's easy to do. But in the film, I am very pleased to see another feature that is bland, without any sensationalism, without any rendering. For example, Brad Pitt in it takes this kind of blandness to the extreme, and even goes a little too far. If he was "young" when he could still see some old urchin's taste, then when he was "old" he was completely deep. Whether it was when he saw his biological father, was ruthlessly rejected by his girlfriend, or when his mother died or left his mother and daughter, he didn't show any extreme emotional expression, and in the eyes of ordinary people, it was even a little empty and dull. In the recent "If You Are the One", Wu Sang sang until she cried, or Meryl Streep's last tearful confusion in "Child Abuse Doubt", a deep-hearted person's sudden catharsis at the end, shocked people. Such a technique is not bad, but if it were used in this film, it would make me feel that Benjamin fell into a cliché and the whole film was out of tune. Benjamin is always like a lake with microwaves, which is his innate character. Or maybe we are all deceived by his youthful appearance and can't see his mature soul inside. Such an explanation seems pale, but if you want to keep what you see perfect, then try to find fault with yourself, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Therefore, this is a film that is hot first and then cold, because the story it tells is destined to have polarized evaluations. As an insensitive member, I gradually got used to the understated style of the film. Benjamin's first woman, Elizabeth Albert, was a sweet and fruitless story. We went through a lot and talked a lot, but we just left the sentence "It was nice to have met you." I know the director definitely didn't I'll stop here, but I know he won't do much modification. So the old lover in his sixties successfully crossed the strait. One regret was made up, but the other regret was never made up, and Benjamin smiled knowingly in front of the TV. It was nice to have met you.

"No matter it's too late, or too early for me, it won't stop you from being who you want to be. There's no time limit for this process, you can start anytime you want," a father to his daughter It probably comes from Elizabeth.

Some people have an extraordinary talent for music, but she taught Benjamin the only one, Bethena, that Benjamin never played. The truth is obviously not the case. A movie is a movie. The theme music of a movie's original sound often runs through the whole movie. More than two hours are enough to brew such an aftertaste. So a song in the end, very clear. So that at the end of the film, people flashed by, the piano sounded again, and you would understand how Benjamin felt when he came home: "Everything around you looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You realize that what has really changed, It's you."

Some people have been struck by lightning, 7 times, and that is God's constant reminder to him that he is lucky to be alive today. So this also reminded Benjamin to treat his father with a fluke heart, why not repay a mother who cultivated a great miracle? The hummingbird Benjamin has only been seen once, and so has Daisy. It is indeed a 10-second deadly killer, whether it is to be buried with the captain as a work of art, or to deceive the old man's last words. The god of death with a heartbeat of 1200 times is probably a symbol of infinity, but it always accompanies the end of life.

So you might ask me what I'm thinking, I'm thinking that nothing lasts forever, and we are no exception. Probably questioning whether your love will last until my skin is old and flabby, or until I have acne, bed-wetting, and fear of what's upstairs.

"Some things last forever." What a powerless consolation. Who doesn't care about age? Who doesn't care about looks? Young Daisy didn't care, stroking the old face in the candlelight. When she grew up, she had a lot of fetters. The indulgent she was just deliberately attacking the old man who was childhood sweetheart, and Benjamin who insisted on leaving was just to find a father who matched his appearance for his daughter. They fell in love when their age matched their appearance and then missed all the good times they should have. Until the old man became old and rejuvenated, forgetting everything in the past, Daisy still held little Benjamin and bent down to kiss the man he loved so much. We have discovered that bonds only dissipate at extremes, whether young or dying. Life is like a clock, whether it goes clockwise or counterclockwise, it makes a full turn and returns to its original place naked.

I don't have a mature life yet, I don't have a mature idea, so I don't resonate with many touching movies. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a typical example of this. It is actually a film dedicated to plain simplicity and wanting to move others, a bunch of "some people" whose intentions are unmistakable. But this year there is still a movie that abandons the commercial ethos and takes sensibility as the starting point. I am ready to accept the baptism of this life.

"Good night, Benjamin."

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button quotes

  • Captain Mike: Why is it when you showed up you were no bigger than a pollard with one foot in the grave. Now, either I drank a hell of a lot more than I think I did, or you spry'd up. What's your secret?

    Benjamin Button: Well captain, you *did* drink a lot.

  • Dr. Rose: Queenie, some creatures weren't meant to survive.

    Queenie: [observing Benjamin] Mm-mm, no, this baby here is a miracle, that's for certain...

    [turns to Dr. Rose]

    Queenie: just like the kind of miracle one hopes to see.

    [Dr. Rose shrugs in defeat]