The instinct of life will always suppress the instinct of death, there is no need to lose hope in human nature - a different look and feel of the movie "Ace Agent: Secret Service"

Alex 2022-09-19 06:18:38

After watching the movie "Ace Agent: The Secret Service", the biggest feeling is: those countries with "gentlemen" are promoting their gentleman culture: "A suit is a gentleman's armor, and an agent is a modern knight", "I'm not polite, No way to stand” (good translation, thanks!). Gentleman, if you put it in the Chinese context, it is similar to what we call "gentleman", and our "gentleman" culture has a long history, but it is rare that our movies are being promoted. Are we no longer a gentleman, or we Never respected the gentleman culture? Maybe both. In addition to this feeling, of course, I am also like everyone, this is really a good action movie, the action design is smooth and smooth.

In addition to the dazzling action, the film can also be appreciated from a human aspect. The verbs "exposing", "promoting", "repressing" and "respecting" can be summed up as follows: This film exposes the evil of human nature, and promotes the noble quality of resisting "evil"; it also tells us about the dead in human nature. Instincts can be suppressed, but we should respect the role of heroes; the reason why people are human is not that they are evil or good, but that they are animals with mixed good and evil. The factor of "evil" is always higher than the factor of "evil", otherwise how can human beings multiply on this planet.

We usually say "human nature is evil", how to identify it? A simple criterion is the behavior of those "people" that are uncomfortable, because these "behaviors" are always a reflection of some "evil" of human nature. The film shows a lot of uncomfortable behavior very bluntly. Because this film is promoting a gentleman's culture, and the most important quality of a gentleman is his "responsibility", the uncomfortable behaviors in this film are contrary to the "responsibility" of a gentleman. Dangerous escapes on their own, instead of focusing on teamwork; when their lives are at stake, their survival instinct makes them give up on helping their companions; in life and death, they forget their responsibilities and reveal organizational secrets, etc. Although Eggsy, the protagonist of the film, has developed the bad habit of petty theft since he was a child, he has been a responsible child since he was a child. When the old agent Galahad met Eggsy again, Eggsy succeeded in doing what the old agent had entrusted to him when he was a child (keep the medal, take care of his mother). In addition, he keeps his promise, can put others before himself in times of crisis, and even sacrifice himself; he is kind-hearted and does not bully the weak. These are the noble qualities that the film promotes.

There seems to be a "death instinct" as Freud said in human nature. Among the characters in this film, the villain Valentine is the representative. Valentine was originally an environmental scientist at MIT. After witnessing global environmental issues become victims of political struggles, he believed that human beings were the virus of the earth, and only by exterminating some human beings could the environment be restored to balance, which is what he called a "new era" . Valentine's attempt to replace God to pronounce judgment on human beings and to control the behavior of the entire human being becomes the beginning of the film's conflict and the driving force for the development of the plot. In fact, the theory of "death instinct" has never lacked verifiable cases and fanatical followers in reality, whether in history, such as Hitler's desire to exterminate the Jews, or in works of art, such as this film and its adaptations previous original. Theoretical circles have also confirmed this death instinct. For example, the famous demographer Malthus believed that wars, natural disasters and other man-made measures can be positive factors to curb excessive population growth. Therefore, we often hear the argument: "War is the first and foremost necessity of living beings, an indispensable and constant factor in human life." "Through pruning, nature makes her human orchard flourish. War is Her pruning scythe."; "God made war always take place as the potent medicine of man." (See [US] Herschel: "Who is Man.") Other "artificial measures" may refer to legitimate "birth control" , but in the case of immoral people, it will become a variety of immoral means, which provides a lot of conceivable space for literary and artistic works. For example, Valentine in this film was conceived to use the mobile phone Sim card to control the human brain, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating some human beings.

Although the death instinct is so terrifying, there is no need to lose faith in human nature. The life instinct in human nature can suppress this death instinct. Otherwise, human beings will always be at war and always threatened with death. In fact, in times of human crisis, there are always great heroes, which is also a proof. That is to say, if it is not for survival instinct, no one dares to stand up in times of crisis. If there is no survival instinct, even if someone comes forward, No one will follow. This film still tells an old-fashioned heroic salvation story, although our view of history emphasizes that "the people are the driving force of history", thereby denouncing the historical role of individuals (heroes), which leads to our film It seems that there is no promotion of heroes like Western movies, but in fact, the role of individuals (heroes) cannot be ignored. It’s just that people promote heroes in a broad sense, while we promote the role of leadership, which is similar in purpose.

"A nation without heroes is unfortunate, and a nation that has heroes but does not know how to respect and cherish them is hopeless." This sentence seems to be suitable for those heroes who have saved the world. (by: heshenggen/2015-03-28)

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Kingsman: The Secret Service quotes

  • [Valentine notices the people in the party room looking gloomy]

    Valentine: The fuck's wrong with them?

    Gazelle: I don't know. Could be something to do with the mass genocide.

    Valentine: Give me the mic.

    [Gazelle hands Valentine a microphone. Valentine stands up]

    Valentine: Hey all! Everybody listen up! What the fuck is wrong with you people? I just want to remind you all that today is a day of celebration. We must put aside all thoughts of death, and focus on birth. The birth of a new age. We mustn't mourn the ones who give their lives today. We should honor their sacrifice, and their role in saving the human race. We must put aside doubts and guilt. You are the chosen people. When folks tell their kids the story about Noah's Ark, is Noah the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Is God the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: How about the animals marching two by two?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Of course not! Yeah, that's it! Let's turn those frowns upside down. Eat, drink, and paaaaarty!

  • Harry Hart: I very much regret that your husband's bravery can't be publicly celebrated. I hope you understand that.

    Michelle Unwin: How can I understand, if you won't tell me anything? I didn't even know he wasn't with his squad.

    Harry Hart: I'm so sorry I can't say more. I would like to present to you this medal of valour. If you look closely on the back, there's a number. And as a more concrete gesture of gratitude, we'd like to offer you a... Let's call it a favour. The nature of it is your choice. Just tell the operator: 'Oxfords, not Brogues.' And then they'll know it's you.

    Michelle Unwin: I don't want your help!

    [Pushing away the medal]

    Michelle Unwin: I want my husband back!


    Michelle Unwin: [Hart walks away and approaches little Eggsy, who is playing with a snow globe]

    Harry Hart: What's your name, young man.

    Little Eggsy: Eggsy.

    Harry Hart: Hello, Eggsy. Can I see that?

    [Eggsy gives Hart the snow globe. Hart gives Eggsy the medal]

    Harry Hart: You take care of this, Eggsy. Alright?

    [Eggsy nods]

    Harry Hart: And take care of your mum, too.