[Not a movie review] Facial repo, Sajia is worth it in this life!

Amara 2022-08-20 21:34:04

It didn't take a long time from the time I learned that the face was coming to make sure that I came to chase, because in fact, my true love is only four, one-fourth is coming, and I desperately want to go. Not much nonsense, after a week of bereavement swiping activities, I, 27, Jizai, Awan, Xiaomuba, Zhizhi got the qualifications to participate in the premiere, because everyone has known each other for a long time, so 6 people quickly formed The face-lifting team, together with a small partner who is not qualified for the premiere but assisted by gods, started my first large-scale group face-to-face tour. I have always been capable of assisting in the matter of punching people, because I was happy to help my friends to get them when I had no chance, so I had a little bit of experience, so from the moment I entered the WeChat group of the official premiere, I became pregnant. With a respectful heart, she is flirting with homepage girls shamelessly. But the organizer's personnel are really professional, no matter how much I ask, they will not reveal the information, just say that the face is coming on the 22nd. In order to hit him smoothly, I decided to arrive early on the afternoon of the 21st, so that there was sufficient preparation time, which proved to be very important. Also, the other three people who came on the afternoon of the 21st were 27, Jizai, Awan, so we actually They formed a group of four with no regrets in this life.


When I swiped on the 20th, my face was caught in London, so I made sure he came from London, so there are only three flights in total, and the landing time is more than ten o'clock, twelve o'clock, more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and then remove On the connecting flight, his greatest chance is actually to land after ten o'clock. With some descriptions given by Xiaoban, I finally found the legendary VIP channel at around nine o'clock, and saw the big Mercedes-Benz and the big Buick parked in the yard, with Fox posted on the front. Once realized, I was about to see the face! After calling the rest of the friends to meet, we started to study the terrain. One courtyard was surrounded by iron fences. It was impossible to enter. Even we had security guards outside to scare us and say that the police will come in a while, hehe, brother, you Do you think I'm stupid? We northeastern men are all frightened, okay? [No. I just said to him, oh, let's talk when the police come, we didn't do anything, and then left, because it was useless to hook up with him, and I was too lazy to talk. After waiting for a while, our faces were almost on the ground, so we ran to the fence directly opposite the door and waited. After waiting for a while, four other people came, and then a total of eight people have been waiting. I don't remember how long I waited. Then I saw the person at the door waved, and the big Mercedes drove to the door. We knew that the face would come out soon. Sure enough, I saw the face in the glass door! Look! arrive! ! Face! Damn, he is so handsome and glowing! As soon as I walked out of the door and heard us calling Colin, he smiled and waved to us. I saw an angel! How can someone be so handsome? ! Then we called Colin Please Come Here, wait, and then he looked up at us with the eagerness to come, and turned around to ask his royal Korean assistant, the answer should be no. He was waving and laughing at us with a somewhat apologetic expression, and then before he got into the car, we saw that his attitude seemed to be playful, so he continued to shout, hesitantly before he got into the car, he turned back to ask his assistant, presumably asking Is it really impossible to pass? After learning that it is really impossible, he waved his hands again and got into the car. When we all thought that this was the end, an uncle appeared on the side of the road and shouted, "You go to the exit to get stuck in traffic. We suddenly woke up and ran all the way to the exit. Uncle, I thank you eight generations!" When we got there, the first car drove away, followed by the big Mercedes. When the car came over, the windows were actually rolled down, which means that the face has always been willing to give us opportunities. Then his face stopped the car. I was a little dizzy when I saw him so close. He really looks a hundred times better in real life! The skin is very good, and I have not been embarrassed by the long-distance plane for so long, and the whole person is in good spirits! Then I started taking autographs and taking photos. I have to say here that you must not think about others when you are throwing people, because others will not think about you. In short, the result is that 27 and Wan Wan only got one piece of three at the end. Group photo, Jizai and I have nothing, or 27 signed one for me. Paralyzed me as if I had grown 172 in height! I was happy and unhappy on the way back. I am happy that the organizer has always emphasized that the face will not let people pick up the plane. Before I came, I always worried that he would be very cold to us, but in fact it was not like this at all. ! My face is really a little sweetheart, there is nothing wrong with it, it's really nice, and I'm very happy to contact us. I think the one who really doesn't want us to pick up the plane is probably his Korean assistant girl. I was unhappy because I had no experience and thought I could get my turn just by waiting, but I ended up thinking too much. It seemed that it was right to strive for everything. son. I was unhappy because I had no experience and thought I could get my turn just by waiting, but I ended up thinking too much. It seemed that it was right to strive for everything. son. I was unhappy because I had no experience and thought I could get my turn just by waiting, but I ended up thinking too much. It seemed that it was right to strive for everything.

I skipped the process of getting the news in the middle, and after learning that the face was going to Juyongguan, the group of four made a decision as quickly as possible. We chartered a car to the Great Wall to see if we could have a chance. When I got to the ticket office of the Great Wall, I asked the conductor if two tall foreigners had entered before, and she said that she had just entered, help! That should be the face, because there are not many people in Juyongguan. We bought the tickets and rushed in. After walking a few steps, I looked up and my face was there. It's particularly beautiful, the whole person is glowing, and I see angels again (〃艸〃). Then the face stopped at a certain place to take a photo, and we walked over, just in time to catch up with a long step, and we finished the long step behind him at the same distance as ordinary tourists. I don't think I will ever forget this part of the road, He is so good looking. After the long steps, there is another platform. At this time, the face's bodyguard brother just turned around and recognized 27 when he saw 27, saying that I recognized you. You are a fan at the airport in the morning, and then his face looked back at us. At this time 27 Bravely asked if it was convenient for us to take a photo with us, because we all came from out of town to ask for leave for him. Without any hesitation on his face, he smiled and said no problem, and then stood by the city wall by himself. He really knew how to choose a place, so that every photo I took had a beam of light that made it very dreamy. 27 The first group photo, the second person didn't go up after the group, the bodyguard brother stopped us and said no to continue, not to take the picture, I finished crying after listening, at this time, the little angel on my face actually took the initiative to stand up for it. We talk and he says it's okay, it's only 1.2. 3...person, while talking and counting while pointing at us, cute cry! Then asked if there were only four of us, we nodded quickly, and then said that there was no problem with taking pictures with us one by one. After I heard it, I almost cried, because he could completely refuse to take a photo on this occasion. When we came, there were already I was mentally prepared to be rejected, and I didn't intend to force it, but he actually took the initiative to speak for us, how could there be such a great person! So great! Then all the people went up to take pictures with him in order, and stood beside him for a long time. He was so patient and sweet. After taking all the group photos, we thanked them in various ways and watched them continue to play, and did not follow after one more step. After hitting the face, our four basic brains have been blank, and we just sat on the platform to chat and rest. After this day's contact, we can really completely forget the previous concerns and worries, the face is really such a gentleman and so sweet The people are not wrong! No! have! pink! wrong! people! No! have! White! Come! flutter! We rested here for a while and went to the WC. When we came out, we saw the face coming from a distance. We didn't get close, but we watched him from a distance. As he walked out of the gate, the road seemed very long, as if he just walked out of the screen and came to me, beautiful and unreal. After returning from the Great Wall, we did not continue to stay in his hotel. I heard that someone else went there. I don’t know if it was successful or not.


The next morning was a press conference. In fact, everyone guessed the location, because the rest of the group of four were not sure if they could see it or not, so they didn't go. Only my god assists the little friends who went with me. When we arrived at the door of the press conference, we could only enter by signing in with our real name and receiving the badge. We could only wait and see at the door, thinking about not going in for a while and listening to the sound. , I actually wanted to give up after that, but thanks to Xiaoban's encouragement, I didn't leave, so just a few minutes after the opening of the press conference, God took a turn, and someone took the initiative to chat up and take us in. After negotiating a price, we went in. Now, I was sitting in the third row facing my face. He saw me, but he didn't know if he recognized me or not. It was really satisfying to watch him quietly throughout the press conference. After the press conference, he went to the media interview room. Xiaoban wanted to send a gift, so he waited outside with her. I walked around the hall. At this time, a sister came over and saw me and said with a smile, "Hey, you didn't go to the Great Wall yesterday." Well, help, sister, how do you know me? I've already changed into a full set of clothes, so I'm afraid of being recognized. Then my face came out after a while, and sure enough he saw me again _(:з)∠)_, I just stood there, I didn't want to go up with him at all, my friend and he looked at each other and he was also cowardly, did you? Send a gift hahaha. This concludes the morning press conference.

After a long wait and boredom, here comes the premiere of the night's main event. Because we are fans of official events, we are fortunate to be in the first row of the fan area. The events of the FOX family have always been conscientious in the industry. After participating in it in person, it is even more popular for a lifetime! I'm really lucky that this time the face came to be hosted by FOX. The contacts, Zong Zhijun and Qi Wan, are very special and nice for us. Qi Wan sent us a poster to prepare for signing for a while, and also helped hand over gifts. I don't remember exactly how long I waited, but in short, he came. As soon as he came out, he smiled very sweetly and waved to the fan area first. I think he looked at me and recognized me, but I am not sure. Then it was time for the photo shoot. I also shouted out Colin, and he turned around to look here. Then there was the fan questioning session, followed by the autograph session. Originally, the face was going to start from the far left, but after the crowd squeezed past, the Korean assistant asked him to start from the far right, yes, I was the first one on the far right hahahahaha, after he came, he went straight Looking at me, I have basically confirmed that he recognized me, and then a bunch of hands stretched out from behind, but fortunately I was tall and was not suppressed, and I was still standing upright, he was probably less than an arm away from me So far, everyone is signing autographs and he is completely ignored. I must not miss the opportunity, so I was the first to chat with him, and I said we are leaving tomorrow Colin [I am familiar with him. Then he looked up at me and smiled and said I know you, we met before. When I heard it, I was so excited that I cried, I asked him, did you recognize me? He continued to laugh again and said yes, of course. I felt like my whole body was going to explode. During the process, I signed the poster and mobile phone. Then he was about to sign it. Before he did it, I timidly asked him can we take a selfie please? He moved and answered : I believe we did it yesterday. Hahahahaha face, you really remember it right, don't give me one more group photo [with tears in laughter. After signing the autograph, he was escorted to the lounge by the bodyguard, waiting to answer questions from fans when he entered the cinema. During this time, I was completely dumbfounded, because he said that he remembered me. Fortunately, my friend Zhizhi also witnessed the whole process. Zhizhi kept telling me, you are going to be hot, you are going to be hot, and I know you! What does it feel like? I will remember my face for the rest of my life, no doubt, but if my face can remember me, even if it's only for a second a day, I'm worth it, that's it!

After we entered the theater, we were seated in the first row, which was very close. I was asked to ask questions again. It can be said that this was a perfect ending. After he came in, he was very sweet and greeted us first. I found that he is very good and can always find the location of the fans quickly. Probably because I brushed my face too frequently in the past two days, he is used to it, and he smiles every time he sees it. , this feeling is also to die. Then I was the first to raise my hand to ask a question, I stood up and said hi Mr Firth, It's me again hahaha, when Kiki said I stood up, he laughed, probably he was also wondering who I am Ah, if you pick me up at the airport, you will have me at the Great Wall and you will have me at the press conference. It's me or me. After I asked the question, he looked at me seriously and answered. He was really polite and gentleman. Then Zhizhi and 27 also asked questions separately. After the three of us asked questions, the event was coming to an end, and we were leaving tomorrow, so we couldn't continue to fight him. He kept waving goodbye when he left the stage, we sat on the left, and he was like that when he came over Nearly, the off-court was quiet, I couldn't hold back, I said have a nice time to him, he smiled at me, and said thank you in that kind of surprise and sweet tone, changed our hands and smiled again, and then walked over to me. At the door, 27 also bravely shook hands with him and spoke. In this way, I watched him leave, and my two-day trip to the face came to a perfect end. The thank you he said to me will be firmly imprinted in my heart.

In fact, I have finished writing it, but I really want to say a few more words. Sometimes surprises really have to be fought for by yourself. If you like it, say it, and if you love it, chase it. If you don’t say it, how will he know? How will he know you if you don't chase him? How do you know if he likes fans if you don't touch him? What others say is always what others say, and what you have experienced is yours. If you like it, you must do your best, and don't look ahead, so you won't regret it. After all, life doesn't always have a next time. This trip is really perfect. Everything is going in the best direction. I have no regrets. Thank you for the joy and emotion that my face brought me. I did not love the wrong person. I will always remember the joy and happiness when I first came Looking forward, and will always remember the loss and emptiness I leave now.

If I want, I can still have a chance to see the face in the next two days, but life must go on, not indulge in it, and it is a perfection to end the most perfect time. If you have the opportunity to come again, our face-lifting team will gather again for you! Face to face!

Thanks again to the FOX family for hosting such a conscientious publicity, thanks again to my friends who accompany me, and thanks again for waiting patiently to read the stinky and long repo.

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Kingsman: The Secret Service quotes

  • [Valentine notices the people in the party room looking gloomy]

    Valentine: The fuck's wrong with them?

    Gazelle: I don't know. Could be something to do with the mass genocide.

    Valentine: Give me the mic.

    [Gazelle hands Valentine a microphone. Valentine stands up]

    Valentine: Hey all! Everybody listen up! What the fuck is wrong with you people? I just want to remind you all that today is a day of celebration. We must put aside all thoughts of death, and focus on birth. The birth of a new age. We mustn't mourn the ones who give their lives today. We should honor their sacrifice, and their role in saving the human race. We must put aside doubts and guilt. You are the chosen people. When folks tell their kids the story about Noah's Ark, is Noah the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Is God the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: How about the animals marching two by two?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Of course not! Yeah, that's it! Let's turn those frowns upside down. Eat, drink, and paaaaarty!

  • Harry Hart: I very much regret that your husband's bravery can't be publicly celebrated. I hope you understand that.

    Michelle Unwin: How can I understand, if you won't tell me anything? I didn't even know he wasn't with his squad.

    Harry Hart: I'm so sorry I can't say more. I would like to present to you this medal of valour. If you look closely on the back, there's a number. And as a more concrete gesture of gratitude, we'd like to offer you a... Let's call it a favour. The nature of it is your choice. Just tell the operator: 'Oxfords, not Brogues.' And then they'll know it's you.

    Michelle Unwin: I don't want your help!

    [Pushing away the medal]

    Michelle Unwin: I want my husband back!


    Michelle Unwin: [Hart walks away and approaches little Eggsy, who is playing with a snow globe]

    Harry Hart: What's your name, young man.

    Little Eggsy: Eggsy.

    Harry Hart: Hello, Eggsy. Can I see that?

    [Eggsy gives Hart the snow globe. Hart gives Eggsy the medal]

    Harry Hart: You take care of this, Eggsy. Alright?

    [Eggsy nods]

    Harry Hart: And take care of your mum, too.