This is not the kind of old movie you'd imagine - watch the British's scheming from the naming of the characters in the movie "Kingsman: The Secret Service"

Sadye 2022-09-30 21:21:27

The movie "Kingsman" actually tells a very simple story: During an operation, an agent was killed due to the mistake of Harry (Colin Firth), an agent belonging to the secret service organization Kingsman. To make up for the agent's family, Harry left a necklace unique to Kingsman for his son Eggsy (Taron Egerton), asking him to contact him if needed. After 17 years, Eggsy became a street gangster but met Harry again. Because Harry admired his loyalty and intelligence, he introduced Eggsy to participate in Kingsman's agent selection competition. At the same time, a rich man named Valentine (Samuel Jackson) is planning to use mass murder to achieve his so-called "protecting the earth" goal.

The storyline may seem very "Hollywood," but Kingsman proves in every way that it's definitely not the old movie you'd expect. There are not many words about how this movie subverts the special agent film. I think as long as you watch this film carefully, you can understand the meaning of the so-called "new special agent film". I just wanted to talk about a very important but often overlooked detail in the movie - the naming of the characters (and the dogs). Because in the movie "Kingsman", even the "naming" thing, can make up for the British that want to let their own culture overflow from the letters, and then seep into the pores of the audience Hungry and arrogant expression in .

I believe that all the British cultural references in this film are not unfamiliar to the British people, and can be regarded as a small joy in reason. For people in other English-speaking countries, it may be an unexpected little surprise. But for non-English-speaking audiences, a poor translation can miss out on many cultural phenomena that are actually very interesting. From the very beginning, the spy organization in the play is called Kingsman, which translates as "Kingsman" in Chinese. Actually, I think it's more reminiscent to use the literal meaning "the king's man", but of course I'm referring to the cultural aspect.

The code name of Kingsman's highest officer in the play is Arthur, which is definitely not a coincidence with the legendary king of ancient Britain (not entirely referring to present-day England), the leader of the Knights of the Round Table - King Arthur. King Arthur is an almost mythical legend. According to legend, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, he led the Knights of the Round Table to unify the British Isles. The Knights of the Round Table are a group of excellent knights led by King Arthur. In the movie, Kingsman's candidates are all children of nobles, and at least they have to study at Cambridge, Oxford or St Andrews, which are famous universities in the UK where aristocrats gather. It can be seen that this arrangement also follows the setting of the legendary Knights of the Round Table, but it is precisely because Harry thinks that the nobles are getting more and more "stupid" that he recommends the street gangster Eggsy to become Kingsman without fear of criticism.

King Arthur has it all, so of course the agents are all "the king's men". In the movie, Merlin is one of Kingsman's agents, but he rarely fights, and his responsibilities are mostly intelligence work or flying planes or something. If you have watched the British drama "The Legend of Merlin", you should know that Merilin is King Arthur's friend and magician, and is one of the most well-known "King's men". The agent played by Colin Firth is code-named Galahad, and this legendary figure is also a member of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, and he is also the most pure and noble one. It is more ironic that in "Ace Agent", Galahad went to the church of a hate group alone and made up a bunch of "Catholic male prostitutes who are having an extramarital affair with a man who works in the abortion department of the army". He killed the entire church (this paragraph was deleted in the Chinese version). Although Galahad was under the control of radio waves at that time, I think that this person who is the purest in the legend dared to say sinful things and did very impure things, which is also an arrangement of the screenwriter. In the movie, the last winner of the Kingsman selection contest that Eggsy participated in will be codenamed Lancelot. He is also one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. According to legend, he is smart, brave and helpful. In fact, he is very suitable for the character setting of the hero Eggsy. In the play, Eggsy has a higher IQ in elementary school. He is brave and has always been with himself in the Kingsman game. Roxy's potential rivals help each other. Although Eggsy did not become Lancelot in the end, Roxy also has the above characteristics, which can be seen from her fear of flying but bravely accepting the behavior of flying to the edge of the atmosphere to blow up satellites. Of course, not every participant is a "three good youth". Those who get rid of everyone in the skydiving test and only seek happiness for themselves, and who are afraid of death in the recumbent test and betray the organization, are of course not worthy of the "Lancelot". The title has been eliminated.

Just from the details of the naming of Kingsman and his agent's code name, many arrangements and designs can be researched. Although I only realized the ingenious arrangement during the viewing of the movie, it was only later during the verification process that I discovered the richer meaning behind the names. It has to be said that this is precisely the surprise that British films can bring to the audience. In addition to the Kingsman name, there are two other names that are also interesting. One is the villain Valentine in the film. Valentine has the meaning of "lover" in English, and it is understandable to translate it into "Valentine" in the movie, but it lacks the kind of thrill that makes people realize. In "Ace Agent", Valentine is a villain who is particularly up-to-date with the times. He loves the earth so much that he thinks that some "inferior" humans will destroy this homeland, so he came up with the idea of ​​protecting the earth through massacres . From this way of thinking, it can be seen that Valentine really regards herself as the god of love: because of "fraternity", she must "cut love"; in order to fulfill "big love", she must give up "small love".

There's also Eggsy's puppy, and Kingsman asks everyone involved in agent recruitment to choose a puppy and train it. Eggsy picked a mangy dog ​​and named him JB. When I heard the name, it was ridiculous, because the image of Eggsy in the movie at the beginning was actually the dress of the most common street boy in the UK - a hip-hop style baseball cap, a collared T-shirt with a button on the top , jeans that are skinny or fat to the panties, and the most fashionable and trendy skate shoes. Yes, British teenagers of this age have no taste at all, and the person they are imitating is JB - Justin Bieber. I thought it was arrogant Brits expressing how much today's young people love "tasteless" American culture, although Eggsy later said that JB meant Jack Bauer (the counter-terrorist agent in the American TV series "24 Hours"), but Kingsman When high-level Arthur talked to Eggsy, he thought your JB was referring to James Bond, the 007 of the British Empire! Fortunately, Kiefer Sutherland, who plays Jack Bauer in "24 Hours", is British, so he can save some face.

Kingsman isn't the old-fashioned movie you'd think, but the Brits are counting on these details to conquer your heart. During the entire viewing process, you can feel the arrogance of the British who are so arrogant about their own culture that they will explode around you, leaving people nowhere to hide. Before Harry's death in the movie, Valentine pointed a gun at him and said, "In the old movies at this point I'd just say a bunch of crap and you'd always slip away." However, we are not some old movie. Although the Chinese name of "Ace Agent" is too vulgar to add, it is definitely not the kind of old movie you imagine. However, if you don't have a liking for British movies or culture at all, you might be like the big brother sitting in front of me at the cinema and start playing mobile games halfway through.

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Extended Reading

Kingsman: The Secret Service quotes

  • [Valentine notices the people in the party room looking gloomy]

    Valentine: The fuck's wrong with them?

    Gazelle: I don't know. Could be something to do with the mass genocide.

    Valentine: Give me the mic.

    [Gazelle hands Valentine a microphone. Valentine stands up]

    Valentine: Hey all! Everybody listen up! What the fuck is wrong with you people? I just want to remind you all that today is a day of celebration. We must put aside all thoughts of death, and focus on birth. The birth of a new age. We mustn't mourn the ones who give their lives today. We should honor their sacrifice, and their role in saving the human race. We must put aside doubts and guilt. You are the chosen people. When folks tell their kids the story about Noah's Ark, is Noah the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Is God the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: How about the animals marching two by two?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Of course not! Yeah, that's it! Let's turn those frowns upside down. Eat, drink, and paaaaarty!

  • Harry Hart: I very much regret that your husband's bravery can't be publicly celebrated. I hope you understand that.

    Michelle Unwin: How can I understand, if you won't tell me anything? I didn't even know he wasn't with his squad.

    Harry Hart: I'm so sorry I can't say more. I would like to present to you this medal of valour. If you look closely on the back, there's a number. And as a more concrete gesture of gratitude, we'd like to offer you a... Let's call it a favour. The nature of it is your choice. Just tell the operator: 'Oxfords, not Brogues.' And then they'll know it's you.

    Michelle Unwin: I don't want your help!

    [Pushing away the medal]

    Michelle Unwin: I want my husband back!


    Michelle Unwin: [Hart walks away and approaches little Eggsy, who is playing with a snow globe]

    Harry Hart: What's your name, young man.

    Little Eggsy: Eggsy.

    Harry Hart: Hello, Eggsy. Can I see that?

    [Eggsy gives Hart the snow globe. Hart gives Eggsy the medal]

    Harry Hart: You take care of this, Eggsy. Alright?

    [Eggsy nods]

    Harry Hart: And take care of your mum, too.