Although there are many loopholes, it is quite attractive.

Wava 2022-01-01 08:02:20

The Australian scenery that the film begins to show and the horrible atmosphere behind are equally shocking!

But the previous narrative is too lengthy and even contrived. Foreigners seem to like a group of young people to go crazy together. As an oriental, I feel helpless, wondering where they are? And some of the bad habits of human nature that I don't like very much, the male protagonist seems to have ---like to scare people abruptly, cynically say something irritating (especially to the perverted killer), too careless and without a sense of detail. In short, having such a male escort is itself a hindrance. It's easy to cause trouble, and you can't leave him alone when trouble comes.

At the beginning of the tragedy, the short-haired heroine's wit and courage was still very surprising, but after she had delayed for half a day and barely shot the perverted killer, the surprise was basically over, and the real "tragedy" began. NS. He wouldn't be able to make up a shot, even if it just hit him in the leg so that he couldn't move! Only a few symbolic blows to the back with the butt of the rifle? And then left all the weapons? The design of this choreographer is too weak, too illogical.

Later, the return of the heroine also made sense. It is really difficult to escape this inaccessible wilderness without a car. But it was her previous stupidity that was destined to ruin herself---the model of this kind of horror film.

It is very depressing that the male protagonist I didn't like finally survived.

In any case, I still learned a lot of life-saving knowledge in extreme situations, ha ha.

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Wolf Creek quotes

  • Ben Mitchell: How much do you want for this?

    Mick Taylor: I'm not gonna charge ya, you stupid bastard. Did you hear that? "How much"! Ha ha ha!

  • Mick Taylor: [he grabs a wounded Liz and holds her up; she starts screaming. Mick laughs] I got a bullet hole in me neck and I'm not whingeing, am I? No!


    Mick Taylor: I'm gonna have to do something, Lizzy. So as you don't try and run out on me, you know? It's... It's a little trick they used to use in the Vietnam War, you know? So they could take prisoners and they still get the same information out of 'em! But the little buggers didn't escape!

    [Mick shakes Liz and shouts in her ear]

    Mick Taylor: You with me? You with me?


    Mick Taylor: You see what I mean, eh?

    Liz Hunter: [groans] No! No...

    Mick Taylor: Now that! That's for FUCKIN' WRECKIN' ME FUCKIN' TRUCK, YOU BITCH!