Now You See Me - The magician who robs the bank is the artist

Karl 2022-04-21 09:01:09

The so-called gentleman loves money wants to show a truth, everyone loves money. Like Hitchcock's "Psycho" said, Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy off unhappiness. Although money cannot bring happiness to people, it can help people eliminate many unhappy things. Just like buying a car, when you have enough money, you don’t care whether the car is worth the price. Although buying a car does not bring happiness to people, money at least helps people solve the problem of choice. The corresponding money to a large extent eliminates the problem of how unhappy people are. Everyone wants to have less troubles, and money helps people solve those troubles to some extent. So it is understandable that everyone loves money.
Although the ancients said that it is okay to love money, the second sentence said that it should be done in a proper way. It shows a truth that no matter how big the temptation of money is, it must be obtained through reasonable means. As long as the means are reasonable, it is not wrong to satisfy one's own desires to a great extent.

But what counts as a reasonable approach? In the West there was Robin Hood, who robbed the rich to help the poor. praised by the people. It seems that it is okay to rob more money mainly from the rich. Therefore, even if we use the most nasty means, the money mainly received from the rich can be regarded as a good way to satisfy our desire to get rich overnight.

As a result, many movies about robbing the rich and helping the poor have been produced. People seem to be very interested in these kinds of films. After all, everyone wants equality in society. The most classic example of robbing the rich and helping the poor should be robbing a bank. I believe everyone has fantasized about robbing a bank in the past. Robbing a bank is the best way to get rich overnight, and all you have to do is rob the capitalists who are squeezing people. It can also be counted as good. After all, everyone fantasizes about robbing banks in the past, so bank robbery movies in general are very popular, such as "Eleven Arhats", "Bank Robbery", etc.

Generally, when watching movies about robbing banks, people will focus more on the gorgeous methods of robbing banks. "Now You See Me" completes the story of robbing a bank through magic. Magic is generally something that we ordinary people find very magical. So this movie has passed people's curiosity and gained people's desire to watch. Because I wanted to watch this movie, and I also saw the magic + money in the trailer, so I thought of watching this movie.

It has to be said that the stage effects of this movie are really good, because most of the bank robbing scenes are shown on the magic stage. And the stage of the movie is basically from the real American performance stage. So the lighting effects and stage vision should be top-notch. Plus the movie special effects make the whole magic scene beautiful. As some netizens said, it is like Inception, and the scene is similar to a dream. And film special effects have brought a lot of effects to the film that magic can't bring, and modern stage effects have helped magicians perform many performances that were once almost impossible. The original first-class stage effects and post-film special effects make the magic scene of the whole movie the most perfect magic show I have seen in recent years. Therefore, the pure stage visual enjoyment of the film is absolutely first-class. In addition to the visuals on the stage, the special effects of the entire movie can also be counted in one go. Personally, the most beautiful thing is the shot of throwing the hammer, smashing the mirror, the whole shot, slow motion, plus a 180-degree surround shot of the hammer. And the slow motion of the glass breaking when the hammer hits the glass at the end. Because the whole room layout is pure white, when the glass is broken, the reflected white wall gives people a very refreshing feeling. displayed.

The magic stage is a major feature of this movie, and the other is the important plot in the movie, robbing a bank. No matter how perfect it is to rob a bank in a beautiful way, it is still a bank robbery after all. But the movie helps the magician not have to worry about being repelled by the audience for robbing a bank with a nice interface. Because, in the movie, whether robbing a bank, robbing a rich man, or robbing a vault. The magicians did not gain any benefit, but returned the money they robbed to the audience who were oppressed by the bank. This can also be regarded as the spirit of robbing the rich and helping the poor from ancient times to the present. The writers complete the moral of the bank robbery with this perfect reason. So we didn't have any hatred for several magicians in the process of watching the movie. In addition, the audience wants to see a more beautiful scene of robbing a bank. So moviegoers don't expect magicians to get caught. That way editors don't have to worry about whether it's logical that they don't get caught.

Finally, I would like to talk about the main idea of ​​the film. After watching the film, we can see that this film belongs to a story of revenge for the father. The ancients said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years when he kills his father. It really sums up the gist of the film. In the movie, the editor only needs to describe the bad guys as upright, while the good guys use nasty means. It is easy to make the audience sympathize with the so-called bad guys in the movie. Just like in "Psycho", although Marion took the rich man's $40,000, people sympathized with Marion because of Marion's weakness. "Now You See Me" also uses the openness of the four magicians, but Bradly's method of revealing magic is relatively vulgar. As a result, the audience hoped that the magicians would eventually win during the viewing process. The kind of revenge that the whole film conveys seems to make sense.

Overall, the movie is good. The whole stage effect and the gorgeous method of robbing a bank are enough to attract attention. But what I still want to say is that in the process of watching a movie, you can see that the director or editor deliberately hopes that the plot will have ups and downs. It also ignores the audience's ability to predict extreme plots. I believe that more than 70% of the process of watching a movie, you can guess what direction the movie will develop, but I am not sure. So, when the plot really goes as predicted, the whole movie feels contrived. In particular, the police turned into the ultimate boss at the end, giving people a contrived sense of ups and downs that pursued the plot too much. But I have to say that the plot of movie special effects + stage effects + magic effects + bank robbing is enough to whet the audience's appetite.

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Now You See Me quotes

  • [the four have just met outside the locked door of the apartment room to which they were given Tarot card clues to visit]

    Jack Wilder: No way. J. Daniel Atlas? Dude, I've seen everything that you have ever done. I mean, you're, like - I, I idolize you, seriously.

    J. Daniel Atlas: A true fan. It's so nice to meet you.

    [They shake hands]

    Jack Wilder: I'm Jack, by the way.

    Merritt McKinney: Question. Did you get one of these?

    [Merritt holds up his Tarot card, and Jack fishes his own out of his pocket, grinning]

    Jack Wilder: Yeah, oh, yeah. Death.

    [They each hold up the cards they were given]

    Henley Reeves: The High Priestess.

    J. Daniel Atlas: I'm the Lover.

    Henley Reeves: [covering her comment with a fake cough] Three minutes.

    Merritt McKinney: Hermit.

    Jack Wilder: So what are we - are we waiting for someone? Why, why are we just...?

    [Everyone says, "The door's locked."]

    Jack Wilder: Oh, no. Nothing, nothing's ever locked.

    [Facial reactions while Jack, still bashful while using his tricks, unlocks the door]

  • Merritt McKinney: I'm just trying to create the space for wisdom.

    J. Daniel Atlas: Okay, so you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened.

    Merritt McKinney: And you're like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake.