I don't understand

Darion 2022-04-21 09:01:06

It's really a dark fairy tale (⊙o⊙) The makeup is really awesome.
The captain's performance is very good. The spirit of sewing the corners of his mouth by himself is too heroic, brave and resourceful, clean and neat, and the charm of the bad guy is like a black rose releasing energy slowly.
The others are probably to set off the bad guys, their faces are ugly (or are they not used to seeing the huge nose bridge of the Spaniards?), and from the guerrillas to the maids, to the female family members of the powerful, they are all uglier than passers-by╮(╯_╰)╭
The little girl is neither cute nor well-behaved, but courageous. Maybe children can't resist the temptation of delicious food. When I saw her stealing two grapes selling cute monsters, I really wanted to strangle her.
I have always firmly believed that Fa Weng is a liar, and this character is full of wretchedness in terms of appearance and actions. Claiming to be a servant, but showing no respect for his master, he often lifts his master's lower bar to tease him maliciously and hold his forehead. He is really a bad servant. In the end, what surprised me was that what Faon said was true! He is not a liar! ! And the elves also look disgusting. . . Very unbeautiful fairy tale.
I don't know if this movie has anything to do with Franco's dictatorship, and in the end I don't fully understand if Pan really exists or is Ophelia's fantasy. Aside from the makeup, I really don't really like this movie.

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Pan's Labyrinth quotes

  • Capitán Vidal: Tell my son the time that his father died. Tell him...

    Mercedes: No. He won't even know your name.

  • Mercedes: [to Vidal] I'm not some old man! Or a wounded prisoner! Motherfucker... Don't you dare touch the girl. You won't be the first pig I've gutted!