Is the family carnival movie really the trend of the times? ?

Mustafa 2022-04-19 09:01:10

I just brushed 3 today. How do I say it~~ The special effects are basically the same as the original, the comic style of the picture is more obvious, and the colors are comparable to the color palette. Cannon style, but I personally feel that it is very inconsistent with the emotional tone of the heavy and tragic main storyline~ It seems that all the problems can be solved by posing and joking~~ Moreover, the characters of Thor and Loki are really from the beginning to the end, after this I have seen so many ups and downs for many years, and there is no change and no growth~~ It seems that the audience is innocence in the heart???? However, foreigners who know around really like this kind of relaxed and humorous style, and even think that kingsman is too much British humor and Ginho are too escapist to think that Thor is a good combination of seriousness and humor~~ But this 3 is the same as Doctor Strange, except as a long trailer for Infinity War, the portrayal of the hero himself is really a failure. ~~Except that the director has changed too many Hulks who no longer know what they are playing, Thor, Doctor Strange and the fullness of the previous Ant-Man are all too far from their own Iron Man and Captain America~~If Captain America Yes is the most successful silly white sweet, Thor seems to be an enhanced copy??? So, the final personal conclusion is that as a popcorn movie, Thor is a success, but the characterization and storytelling is a failure . Could it be that the European and American audiences, who are troubled by the deteriorating social order, and the main force of the overseas box office who cannot stand up in the face of the pressure of life, really don’t want to see the darkness and setbacks of human nature in the cinema anymore, they just want to use the power of God Has the success paralyzed myself~~ PS: 1. In the future, all the commercial films that Mr. Huo appeared will have to stage a parting scene~~ I am so sad to see the old man turn into gold powder and fly away~~

2. The look of the Marvel villain~~ When I watched the trailer, I felt that the queen's horn was so ugly, I didn't expect it to be so useful in actual combat??? And the queen really wanted to take off her eye makeup when she first appeared.

3. Considering that the color recognition of most audiences is not as high as that of special effects personnel and artists, if you throw the palette again, Marvel's colors will not be enough??????

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Thor: Ragnarok quotes

  • Thor: Let me get this straight. You're going to put your crown into the Eternal Flame, and you suddenly grow big as a house?

    Surtur: A MOUNTAIN!

    Thor: The Eternal Flame that Odin keeps locked away in Asgard?

    Surtur: Odin is not on Asgard. And your absence has left the throne defenseless.

    Thor: Okay. So, where is this crown?

    Surtur: [points at the crown] This is my crown. The source of my power!

    Thor: Oh, that's your crown? I thought it was a big eyebrow.

    Surtur: It's a crown!

    Thor: Anyway, it sounds like all I have to do to stop Ragnarok is rip that thing off your head.

    Surtur: But Ragnarok has already begun! You cannot stop it! I am Asgard's doom, and so are you! All will suffer, all will burn!

    Thor: Oh, that's intense. You know to be honest, seeing you grow really big and set fire to a planet would be quite the spectacle. But it looks like I'll have to choose Option B, where I bust out of these chains, knock that tiara off your head, and stash you away in Asgard's vault.

  • Heimdall: Where to?

    Thor: I'm not sure. Any suggestions? Miek? Where are you from?

    Korg: Oh, Miek's dead.

    Thor: Oh.

    Korg: Yeah, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I still felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day.

    [Miek moves]

    Korg: Oh Miek you're alive! He's alive, guys! What was your question again, brov?

    Thor: ...Earth it is.