What's wrong with loving you

Zaria 2022-01-02 08:01:35

Breaking the Waves is one of Lars von Trier’s trilogy of conscience. The other two short films are "Dog Town" and "Dancer in the Dark". The last two are pretty good, and I will show you this one today.

I like this movie very much. The main reason is that the story takes place in ancient Scotland. The background colors of music and movies are my favorites. The colors are gloomy and low, and the music is melodious and lively. The plot is like this. The devout believer Beth and the oil worker Jane fall in love and get married. Between the weddings, Beth, who was drunk in love, took Jane to the bathroom. Jane said you don't want to be romantic. Beth stared at his cheek with wicked affection and bit her lip. The toilet sounds unromantic but it is full of passion. Passion is another kind of romance. Beth dyed her skirt red. When the matter was over, Beth happily put her arms around her best friend, smiling on her youthful face.

After marriage, the two are like glue. Jane has to go far away because of work. Beth was in pain. Beth's mother scolded her. It is only natural for a man to leave the family to earn a living. You have to control your emotions and suppress your desires. Beth's heart was also taken away by Jane, desperate. The daily homework is to confess to her lord, besides, I miss Jane deeply. Even use phone sex to relieve the painful lovesickness. Jane is a man, tired from work, but loves Beth as much as Beth loves him, only more reserved. Here I want to say that the women in the movies are usually weak and strong in love, but it is the man who gets down first.

Jane was paralyzed from a work-related injury and lost consciousness in her arms. Beth is more painful, but at least her Jane is still alive. This is the most insignificant hope, but it is this hope that supports her. Jane felt very uncomfortable. He hoped that Beth would leave him and find a man with normal sexual function to live a life. But Beth is a believer and cannot be divorced. Jane asked her to be a true love and nourishment woman. Beth refused. Beth is heartbroken, she can't betray her beloved Jane and her beliefs. Jane said, then you go find someone to have sex, and tell me afterwards, so that I have the motivation to live, because if I forget the feeling of having sex, I have no desire to survive. Beth believed it foolishly. But she felt it was a sin and uncleanness. She, including the time she lived, was firmly ruled by theocracy. Everyone has no personal freedom and is a child of God. And the shroud of this kind of theocracy is more like a kind of shackles, restraining people's thoughts, words and deeds. But Beth loves Jane, and she hopes that Jane can continue to live in this world. And Jane's painstaking care for Beth is tormenting Beth. Beth simply thinks that her experience of having sex with different people can rejuvenate Jane. Unconsciously, this is Jane's hope that she can liberate herself and pursue happiness again.

After confessing to the Lord, Beth summoned the courage to strip herself and climbed onto the doctor's bed. But the doctor was unmoved by Beth's Dong body. Let her put on the clothes. Beth cried in humiliation and disappointment. Beth returned to Jane's hospital bed and made up the process of having sex with the doctor. Jane wrote the words not true with a weak finger. Beth has a complicated expression. She felt that she was sorry for Jane, because she deceived Jane and gave him no hope of life. From then on Beth changed. She was immersed in self-torture all day long. Her devotion to the Lord made her despise her own uncleanness. Her love for Jane could not get Jane's response. She loved Jane but he could not give him. The happiness she wanted, when she didn't care about the fact that he was crippled and Jane's depression made her feel guilty. In the end, she chose what Jane wanted, and had sex with different men, and then returned to the hospital bed to use this ridiculous method to wake Jane's desire for life. Our lovely, pure and slightly neurotic Beth is in such a mentally exhausted out of control. In the end when she was almost raped by a sailor, but she escaped. The children who had ridiculed her chased her. She has become a corrupt and dirty prostitute in the eyes of everyone. Her parents severed her relationship, even if she was thrown a stone and let her beg at the door. Ken opened the door. Although Beth is still pure in heart, she is still full of deep love for Jane and godly devotion.

In the end Beth died. I didn't see how dead I poured water. Jane can actually walk. He stole his Beth's body and threw it into the sea with the help of a friend, and ended Beth in a romantic way, instead of letting her poor body be judged by the ruthless priest.

The movie is over. After the film, the church bells of the church reverberated in the sky, and the camera looked down on this peaceful village. The bells rang loudly and seemed to ring for Beth, celebrating her liberation.

The film was very depressing. Can be very interesting. Give the audience a lot of room for discussion and imagination. How to look at love, how to look at sex, how to look at the role of sex in love, how to look at the role of love in sex, how to flog dogma and hypocrisy, and how to sing that true love has no time. and many more. This reminds me of the film "Looking to the Spring Metro" that I watched yesterday.

If your lover loses sexual function and is deeply ill, can you bear the loneliness and take care of him/her? Can you keep the two people in God/Government = at that time. = Never give up the vows I made before. Can you become evil in the eyes of the world for the purity and steadfastness of love... Asking such questions these days is basically asking for hardship, so why bother to ask for answers?

That’s why I often tell my friends, if you are ambiguous and ambiguous to have a bird, can that thing be eaten as a meal. It's mostly a boring pastime, so why take it seriously. Sometimes watching a good movie is used to laugh at life.

Don't ask if I can do it. Because I said I can, you can't believe it. Recommend this movie.

Love you right. Love you to the point of schizophrenia is a big mistake. Love should make people beautiful rather than humble, love should make people sweet rather than bitter, love is pursuit rather than entanglement, love is freedom rather than restriction, love is combination and distinction.

Love is an ordinary thing, don't let your own moral defects and low self-cultivation make it vulgar.

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Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!