You have the right to speak!

Lillian 2022-04-22 07:01:03

I don't know Bertie or the British royal family during World War II. I just read this because a friend recommended it to me, because I also have a stutter. Baidu told me that my symptoms were intractable stuttering. I encountered some sounds and tried my best. I can't post it. The friend who recommended this movie to me said maybe it will help me. He said it was related to stuttering. I said that the king finally cured the stuttering? He said no, but much better than before. Anyway, that's what he said, so I downloaded the movie to my computer too.

The movie is called the King's Speech, but it's not about the King. I mean, even though this could be considered a biopic, the master of the biography is the king, but he's talking about completely ordinary people, and Bertie can be in England, in the United States, in France, or a businessman and a shoemaker. Woodworking, in short, this movie is dedicated to anyone. Bertie has both royal blood and the character of an ordinary person. He can cry, laugh, and say fuck. He has the confusion and loneliness of ordinary people, and he also needs friends.

This movie is for stuttering. Do you stutter? Maybe it's silly of me to ask, but maybe you do. Maybe you don't say things like "Okay...Ok...Ok...Ok", but you may not be able to say something. You are in a movie theater, and a group of people are sitting next to you talking so much that you can't rest in peace, will you walk over and say "Shut up!"? You want clean and tidy streets, but when you see someone throwing litter, do you pick up that litter and give it back to him and say, "Hello, you dropped something"? Or someone has invaded your territory, do you dare to drive him out? There are some things that you are bored in your heart but dare not say, what is the difference between that and stuttering?

After watching this movie, the most memorable sentence is that you have the right to speak. You have the right to speak. Many times, in fact, you only need to shout one sentence, and all the problems are solved. The problem is that you can't shout. Why? Maybe it was the same stern father as Bertie and the older brother who always laughed at you. Maybe it was something else. The shadow of the past has been hanging over you, you may not be aware of it, but it is deep in your heart. This shadow makes you afraid to speak, makes you feel inferior, so you think what you say will not be cared, you don't have any audience, so everything you carry makes you unable to walk, Bod can't even make P when he sings Is this sound because of the word Prince? After he became king, the word King could not be pronounced. You may become disbelieving in your own abilities, dazed and bewildered by the road ahead, I will never forget the sight of Bertie standing in the hall looking at the portrait of the previous king hanging on the wall, he stood I couldn't make a sound, couldn't say a word, and I'll never forget the look on his face when his two daughters curtseyed at him, and the way he cried over the stacks of papers at the table. look. All of this stems from a vague and clear shadow in the depths of your memory, that shadow envelopes you and becomes the portrait of the old king behind the coin, the portrait on the wall, and the one that reminds you that you are broadcasting live A red light, it becomes the sound of a horse in the distance, it's like a nightmare, isn't it? However, Rogge said that letting go is actually quite easy.

Is it easy? It's hard, really, it's a lot harder to drive that nightmare out than you think, isn't it? I think anyone who has had this experience knows it, but sometimes it's easy because sometimes you forget it's there. How could Bertie say the words fuck and shit so fluently? Have you noticed how fluently he speaks when he gets mad at Roger in church. At these times, you forget the past that made you heartbroken, you forget the feeling of inferiority, that's it, you just yelled out like this, didn't I say it? There are many times, in fact, you only need to shout one sentence, all the problems are solved, the problem is that you can't shout. Every time you have to say something like this, or when you have to yell, just say "I have the right to speak" in your heart and raise your voice and say "I HAVE A VOICE!" As long as the question is as simple as this, to be or not to be, the root of stuttering is not in the structure of the body, but in the spirit. I read an article, it was written, you think in your heart that you are a king, then you are a king, you think in your heart If you are just a farmer then you are a farmer.

In the end, as my friend said, his stuttering was not completely cured, and the penguin did not become a handsome prince, but an albatross. I think this is the perfect ending, isn't it? The penguin didn't turn into a prince, but I laughed with relief to see Bertie come out of the eyes with so much confidence, a too-perfect ending just feels unrealistic, oh I forgot it was a A biopic, this is too much like a movie for ordinary people like us, of course there is no need for applause, at the end, I feel that when they walked on the balcony, the thunderous applause from the audience was for me and for you All stuttering people drum. I watched this movie three times and was deeply moved by the applause each time. The movie also did me a favor, which is that whenever people around me smugly say "Take it slow, think about it before you talk, you won't stutter", I can let them go and watch the movie , let them know that stuttering is not what they thought.

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The King's Speech quotes

  • King George VI: [sobbing] I'm not a king! I'm not a king!

  • Lionel Logue: Long pauses are good: they add solemnity to great occasions.

    King George VI: Then I'm the solemnest king who ever lived