No more gunfire in the valley

Foster 2022-04-23 07:01:14

Two weeks later, I feel like there is still a place in my heart that is completely broken.

In fact, one of the things that makes LOGAN very, very painful is that, as far as the entire series is concerned, the professor has always been able to escape.

Throughout his life, it was as if someone had been asking him: Do you still insist on your ideals, do you want to insist on your kindness? Want more? Well, then take the same, ERIK, RAVEN, and his legs... Take the same, your most important relatives, lovers, friends, students, health, career, achievements, behind the name... Take away the same, Then ask him, do you still insist? If you want, take it. Do you want it, do you want it?

However, in the process, it is actually a roundabout way. The most cunning part is that they have almost achieved it, they have approached the ideal infinitely, and in the end they have not caught anything.

I read "Ten Years" written by C many years ago, and it also wrote about how a person goes from being alive to being exhausted, just like a plant whose roots have been injured, gradually withering and finally dying. C's talent is high and wide, and I was very depressed when I saw it.

The only difference is that C she wrote a story that was destined to be irreversible, and he stepped into the place without light.

And no matter how poor and sick the professor in LOGAN is, in the pursuit of LAURA (and of course all the past incidents related to mutants), he can actually stay out of it, or withdraw. But he didn't, he actually didn't have that junction that couldn't go back. So he obviously had so many opportunities to avoid, but he gave everything, and in the end he gave nothing.

So now I'm looking at the frivolous and sweet little professor in FC who is drinking and picking up girls in the bar, so heartache that I can't even cry.

The high-spirited little professor in FC, the professor X who finally dedicated everything to the peace between mutants and humans like a saint, understands that everyone has sinister hearts, but still trusts human beings, once rich and enemies, but now poor , "It's been two days, she only ate one meal, barely slept, she's only 11 years old, I'm fucking 90!" The most powerful brain in the literal sense got Alzheimer's...

When I watched the preview, my heart ached, but who knew that this was just the cruelty on the surface.

Why is there no one around CHARLES? He has helped so many people, is loved by so many people, and is loved by so many people, why is there only one LOGAN who is also suffering from injuries and illnesses now?

Because everyone died, his closest students, friends, X MEN were killed by his out-of-control abilities. He grew up in a wealthy ice cave. His biological father died early, his biological mother was alcoholic, and he was abused by his stepfather and stepbrother for a long time. Later, he picked up children everywhere, took care of them, and wanted a home. In the end, he killed the people closest to him. . The maliciousness of the director and screenwriter is overwhelming.

Luckily he doesn't remember, fortunately.

But on the road of ups and downs, he finally had a safe meal, and when the 90-year-old finally slept on clean and warm sheets after a long absence, he remembered. He murmured, almost crying:

"I don't deserve a night like this..."

Then, he was killed by the villain.

The man who believed most in human nature died so easily.

My killing intent towards the director and screenwriter was also overwhelming.

Before his death, he said:

“LOGAN, the Sunseeker, the sun…”

That is the boat they have always said they want to buy. Once you buy a boat, you can go to sea. When the ability of CHARLES loses control at sea, you will not be afraid of affecting anyone. At that time, they could no longer discuss the rights and interests of the school, and the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans. They could only think about what happened to their lives.

His strongest and most fearless student, LOGAN, could not help but feel discouraged:

"You always say that our ability is a gift, a gift from God, but maybe it's not what you say, our existence is just a mistake, and now God is going to erase this mistake."

And CHARLES immediately reprimanded him "I'm quite disappointed in you."

I couldn't help crying here, I couldn't help but think of the little professor in DOFP, who was a prisoner of alcohol and drugs. He was so miserable that he couldn't help but red-eyed and asked, "Is ERIK right? "

And here, I can't believe if he really wasn't confused at that time, but in a situation that was far more desperate than half a century ago, he was able to insist more clearly and firmly than then, yes, that's right, What I believe and hold on to is the way I should walk.

But no new mutants have been born for twenty-five years...

So you can see how happy he was when he met LAURA, the little mutant.

But CHARLES didn't know that the children he desperately wanted to protect were just a bunch of unnaturally-born replicas made by the gene company.

Of course, he will not be shaken by this attitude, but it is too cruel to give him this line of false hope.

All the people he wanted to take care of died because of him, and the beliefs he upheld would not be bothered to mention when the mutant group was buried in the world.

The mutant children escaped, but it is still unknown whether there will be any new mutants in the world.

Even if there is, it is a new era. Everything they have worked hard for has vanished. Once they worked very hard, they were infinitely close to their ideals, and they were almost done, but in the end, nothing was left. Everything has to start all over again, they have nothing and can't stay.

In X3, Professor X had a solemn funeral. Marble tombstones, flowers, tears and countless people who loved him sincerely remembered that his way will surely lead countless troubled and hesitant steps. But here he has no coffin or monument, only a mound of earth, at least water...

At least there is water here.…

Also only water.

When LOGAN crashed, I was about to crash too.

Well at least there is water, although no boats.

It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he hadn't thought about it that seriously before.

CHARLES in the FC era looked exquisite on the surface, but he always hid his most essential identity as a mutant. He was good at socializing but never made friends. From the outside, he looked like a heartless playboy, so even with such a family background, in addition to I don't see any friends outside my sister RAVEN. Before meeting ERIK, he didn't care much about the mutant cause, so when he cooperated with the government to stop SHAW, he wanted to let go when he encountered a little obstacle. At the beginning, he casually agreed to cooperate with the government to find mutants. fellow human beings.

If CHARLES hadn't met ERIK, he might have lived his life like a winner in this world. He wouldn't be Professor X who opened the mutant academy, educated them, and sheltered them. He would always be CHARLES, a person who hides himself in human society mutants.

It all started at sea, a big ship, he jumped into the water, caught a man, and changed his fate from then on.

Now everything is back to where it came from, a piece of water, a boat that was only in a dream.

In the future, there may be new life, new suffering, new struggle, new debate, and maybe new ERIK and CHARLES, but that is not them anymore.

Yes, and ERIK.

ERIK doesn't appear in this movie, but it's everywhere.

Every word and every place CHARLES said, it made people think of ERIK and collapsed in place.

Thinking that if ERIK wasn't there, how dare the villains dare to bully them with guns and metal arms like this?

After thinking about buying new clothes, the professor, whose memory has deteriorated, is beaming and holding the fedora hat that is standard ERIK equipment like a child.

Thinking about their ambitious plans for the future of mutants, and now they only hope to find a calm sea to die.

That one is in HANK's sort

“He lost everything, ERIK, RAVEN, and his legs…”

The ERIK who ranks ahead of his sister, health and career.

Not only could he have killed him by mistake, but the antagonisms and separations created by ideas over the years are meaningless.

Decades ago, CHARLES, who was not so mature and determined, asked himself in pain: "Is ERIK right?" Is there no peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants, and it is bound to evolve like Homo sapiens and Neanderthals in the process of your life and death? He, too, was wrestling with his own fears.

And this fear should be explained in two parts: what ERIK said, and ERIK itself.

It's not worth it if it's just his ideas, if it's just "ideas". But the one that cannot coexist with his philosophy is ERIK, who is at the top of "He lost everything".

And now his beliefs, the emotions he sacrificed for his beliefs, would be meaningless.

"One has to be true to oneself, Joey, and can't go against one's own nature. It's hard to live with killing, there's no way out, right or wrong you have to bear for the rest of your life. Now go back to your mother and tell her All is well, there will be no more gunfire in the valley."

The film they watched in the hotel was simply the culmination of LOGAN's metaphor.

People have to be true to themselves, but as a result they have nothing.

Life, ideals, ambitions, friendship, future, nothing.

An important theme of X MEN, and also of Professor X, has always been "HOPE".

Be hopeful anyway.

But this time there was nothing left, and the end of the road was deserted.

There is no more gunshots in the valley, because their blood, tears and struggles are over, completely and in vain,

It's good for those children to live incognito.

So there is only water left,

"At least there is water here."

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Logan quotes

  • Logan: I don't know how you got me here, but thank you.

    Laura: De nada.

    Logan: Yeah.

    [Logan suddenly realizes Laura can talk]

    Logan: You can talk?

    [Laura nods]

    Logan: You can talk?

    [Laura looks at him and nods]

    Logan: What the fuck? Why in the fuck... What's all this bullshit's been for the last 2,000 fucking miles?

    [Laura starts yelling in Spanish]

    Logan: What? Okay, shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: What? Who's that?

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: Who is that?

  • [Laura pulls out the envelope with the coordinates to Eden]

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor. North Dakota.

    Logan: What?

    Laura: North Dakota, por favor.

    [Logan tries to grab the envelope]

    Laura: No, por favor.

    [Logan grabs the envelope]

    Logan: This place, okay? Your nurse, she read too many stories, you understand? Too many stories!

    [Logan coughs as Laura pulls out an X-Men comic book]

    Logan: I've seen it! I've seen it, okay? This all here. None of this... No existo, okay? You understand me? This Eden does not exist. No!

    Laura: Si! Eden!

    Logan: No! It's a fantasy, kid. See that? Those are the names of the people who just made this...


    Logan: They made this whole thing up. Okay? This whole... It happened once and they just turned it into a big fucking lie!

    [Laura argues with him in Spanish]

    Logan: That's all it is. No! Fuck!

    [Laura pulls out a map]

    Logan: I know, I understand.

    [Logan grabs the map]

    Logan: This is a long way. You understand? I'm not taking you to North Dakota.


    Logan: I am fucked up. And I cannot get you there. It is a two-day drive. And I am not taking you...

    [Laura punches him in the face and continues to yell at him in Spanish]

    Logan: Don't fucking hit me! Don't hit me!

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: Stop saying those names. Right now. Stop saying those names. Stop it! Stop! Fuck it. Fine, fine. You wanna go? I'll take you there. See for yourself. Let's go to fucking fantasyland.

    [Logan starts the engine and drives off]