This is not a hero's twilight, it is a great father's love in a desperate battle

Ole 2022-04-19 09:01:17

The "Star Wars", "Resident Evil", "X-Men" and "Underworld" series are a few of the series that I have chased down from the theater (or the Internet). To this day, I still remember which theater and with whom I watched each movie, which can be regarded as a record of my growth.

Some commented: Wolverine is no more, the hero is too late. Want me to say, no.

As a drama (typical American road + cowboy style), sci-fi elements and adrenaline-stimulating fight scenes have advanced to serve the plot, which is great.

Identity and family feelings, I think are the themes of Wolverine 3:
grandfather and granddaughter, grandfather and son, son and his daughter, the relationship between them is condensed together: love (love is blood, and it can also transcend blood. and any other tags and categories).

Logan was born a mutant and was forced to fight his entire life to escape the embarrassing situation of slavery or murder. The appearance of the mutant X-23 Lara made him experience love, change his understanding of himself and others, and then mature.

Along the way, little Laura tolerated his rudeness and rejection, communicated with him constantly, took him to the hospital when he was overwhelmed with self-injury, held his hand when he was sad, and called him "Dad" ...Professor also made a lot of "arrangements" to let him experience what love and warmth are. Let him go from escaping his own identity, and then escaping from admitting that the child is related to him, and even begging for death, and gradually grow up because of love, and take on the responsibility of being a father because of growth.
Fight to the death for the happiness of the child, this is not the twilight, it is the love of the father! He passed on the power of love to the next generation, which is a hero.

In the end, before leaving with the friends, little Laura put the cross on Logan's tomb diagonally into an X, I think it's because Laura felt that Dad didn't need God's blessing, he preferred to use his X-Men mutant The true identity rests here (the line from the cowboy movie is finally reappeared, which is the main theme of the movie. Logan identifies with himself and helps the children live a better life). This is one of the most meaningful scenes in the X-Men.

I cried when I read the comments earlier, I thought it was a navy... I was wrong. I was also in tears. The girl on the side was sobbing in the middle and backcourt, and when the light came on, she put on a hoodie embarrassed and left quickly.

Take your heart, not just your adrenal glands, and you'll find this is a good movie to watch. Not just because it's an X-Series.

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Logan quotes

  • Logan: I don't know how you got me here, but thank you.

    Laura: De nada.

    Logan: Yeah.

    [Logan suddenly realizes Laura can talk]

    Logan: You can talk?

    [Laura nods]

    Logan: You can talk?

    [Laura looks at him and nods]

    Logan: What the fuck? Why in the fuck... What's all this bullshit's been for the last 2,000 fucking miles?

    [Laura starts yelling in Spanish]

    Logan: What? Okay, shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: What? Who's that?

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: Who is that?

  • [Laura pulls out the envelope with the coordinates to Eden]

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor. North Dakota.

    Logan: What?

    Laura: North Dakota, por favor.

    [Logan tries to grab the envelope]

    Laura: No, por favor.

    [Logan grabs the envelope]

    Logan: This place, okay? Your nurse, she read too many stories, you understand? Too many stories!

    [Logan coughs as Laura pulls out an X-Men comic book]

    Logan: I've seen it! I've seen it, okay? This all here. None of this... No existo, okay? You understand me? This Eden does not exist. No!

    Laura: Si! Eden!

    Logan: No! It's a fantasy, kid. See that? Those are the names of the people who just made this...


    Logan: They made this whole thing up. Okay? This whole... It happened once and they just turned it into a big fucking lie!

    [Laura argues with him in Spanish]

    Logan: That's all it is. No! Fuck!

    [Laura pulls out a map]

    Logan: I know, I understand.

    [Logan grabs the map]

    Logan: This is a long way. You understand? I'm not taking you to North Dakota.


    Logan: I am fucked up. And I cannot get you there. It is a two-day drive. And I am not taking you...

    [Laura punches him in the face and continues to yell at him in Spanish]

    Logan: Don't fucking hit me! Don't hit me!

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: Stop saying those names. Right now. Stop saying those names. Stop it! Stop! Fuck it. Fine, fine. You wanna go? I'll take you there. See for yourself. Let's go to fucking fantasyland.

    [Logan starts the engine and drives off]