One Last Ride

Jarvis 2022-04-19 09:01:17

First of all, this isn't a movie to take the girl you want to see unless she's maternity when you cry. When I looked back in the second half of the movie, the bright screen was filled with expressions of "I can't cry, I have to hold back, but I'm a tough guy". When the scene was over, I saw two men with red eyes hugged each other, slapped each other on the back, and then left.

People who have a deep relationship with their father should be more emotional when they watch it. After all, this film, behind the flesh-and-blood cult scene, is actually a warm old-middle-small family inheritance story. The image of my father runs throughout. He used to be young and irritable, and it was annoying to reason with you. When you didn't listen, he was so angry that he smashed things, but he was reluctant to beat you. Later, when he was old, he leaned on the car window in a daze, swaying and dozing off, his sparse hair swaying in the sunset, and you were so impatient when he hid the pills he didn't want to take like a child. But he smiled and patted the back of your hand. You were so painful when he died in your arms, and nothing could ease the sadness of his departure. At that moment, all the memories resurfaced. He once gave you a stinky and long disciplining speech, so that you don't covet other people's beautiful girls all day long. He also found you in the crowd and guided you through the wind and rain like a sharp blade.

You think of him leaning against the car window again, his thinning hair swaying in the setting sun, and at that moment you just hope that the road will never end.

Walk with me one more time, one more time, one more time.

Can we not part? Can I not say goodbye to you? I love you so much and want to keep you.

But death always comes, whether it's slowly fading on the bed or piercing through the heart. You always have to go, always leave me alone.

And how afraid of a person I am.

But he was leaving. On this long road, he walked with you for so long, and now his terminal has arrived, and he is about to get off.

And at that moment you suddenly realize that you can't be a child anymore. No one will come to apologize for your accident, no one will pick you up cursingly, pat the soil and lead you into the car and go home. Death waited impatiently on the other side of the door, and now it's your turn to take care of his last parting journey.

And this is an eternal goodbye that you may never accept, but must endure.

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Logan quotes

  • Logan: I don't know how you got me here, but thank you.

    Laura: De nada.

    Logan: Yeah.

    [Logan suddenly realizes Laura can talk]

    Logan: You can talk?

    [Laura nods]

    Logan: You can talk?

    [Laura looks at him and nods]

    Logan: What the fuck? Why in the fuck... What's all this bullshit's been for the last 2,000 fucking miles?

    [Laura starts yelling in Spanish]

    Logan: What? Okay, shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: What? Who's that?

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: Who is that?

  • [Laura pulls out the envelope with the coordinates to Eden]

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor. North Dakota.

    Logan: What?

    Laura: North Dakota, por favor.

    [Logan tries to grab the envelope]

    Laura: No, por favor.

    [Logan grabs the envelope]

    Logan: This place, okay? Your nurse, she read too many stories, you understand? Too many stories!

    [Logan coughs as Laura pulls out an X-Men comic book]

    Logan: I've seen it! I've seen it, okay? This all here. None of this... No existo, okay? You understand me? This Eden does not exist. No!

    Laura: Si! Eden!

    Logan: No! It's a fantasy, kid. See that? Those are the names of the people who just made this...


    Logan: They made this whole thing up. Okay? This whole... It happened once and they just turned it into a big fucking lie!

    [Laura argues with him in Spanish]

    Logan: That's all it is. No! Fuck!

    [Laura pulls out a map]

    Logan: I know, I understand.

    [Logan grabs the map]

    Logan: This is a long way. You understand? I'm not taking you to North Dakota.


    Logan: I am fucked up. And I cannot get you there. It is a two-day drive. And I am not taking you...

    [Laura punches him in the face and continues to yell at him in Spanish]

    Logan: Don't fucking hit me! Don't hit me!

    Laura: Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor.

    Logan: Stop saying those names. Right now. Stop saying those names. Stop it! Stop! Fuck it. Fine, fine. You wanna go? I'll take you there. See for yourself. Let's go to fucking fantasyland.

    [Logan starts the engine and drives off]