Milestones in the Age of Superheroes

Percival 2022-09-26 16:19:31

When I was still in elementary school, I climbed over the wall and went to the cinema to watch this amazing first-generation Spider-Man. The amazing costume design, the moving camera in Times Square, and the heroine hanging upside down on a rainy night were all impressive.

When I go to taste this version of Spider-Man again, the phrase "with great ability comes great responsibility" is still the phrase throughout the movie, but back in 2002, just after the 9/11 incident in the United States, the United States needed such a superhero to comfort people's hearts. appear. Peter Parker, who was originally an ordinary person, has superpowers after being bitten by a spider, and under the guidance of Uncle Ban, he also shoulders the heavy responsibility of a superhero.

This version of Spider-Man played by Maguire was a loser from the beginning. He was bullied at school and had a crush on the girl next door. He looked like many ordinary teenagers, and it was more in line with the heroic dream of ordinary audiences. No matter the inner growth or the rhythm of the depiction of love, friendship and family affection is very good, the fetters with the good friend Little Green Devil in friendship, the girl next door who hides her heart in love but has been silently guarding her back, the family class How uncle's teaching and the warmth brought by Aunt Mei made him better. And the conflict with the villain Green Goblin is also well handled (as a child, I watched the Green Goblin muttering to himself in the mirror and never understood it), which also laid the groundwork for the future breakdown of the relationship with the little demon.

In short, among the three generations of Spider-Man, I still prefer this version, not only because of the shock brought by the first shuttle corridor, nor the amazing special effects shots in 2002, nor the seemingly unattractive look at first glance. The love story of a beautiful heroine, but this is the first time in the true sense that I have experienced the pleasure of being a superhero for ordinary people.

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Spider-Man quotes

  • J. Jonah Jameson: He doesn't want to be famous? Then I'll make him infamous.

  • Hoffman: We've got a page six problem.

    J. Jonah Jameson: We've got a page one problem, shut up.