In 1791, the second year after the end of the French Revolution, Mozart's musical "Magic Flute" was performed. This is a magical work. The daughter of the Queen of the Night was kidnapped by evil forces. The young prince and squire went to the rescue with the magic flute and magic bell bestowed by the Queen. In the process of approaching the so-called evil, the prince recognized and condemned others for doing evil. The Queen of the Night is actually full of evil, and the "wicked person" in the Queen's mouth is as good as it is, and hates evil as enmity. The prince chooses to be with the good, and the adventure is stronger.
In the 1960s, American science fiction writer Philip K. Dick created the fantasy work "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", which was set in 2019. The earth's environment was affected by a global nuclear war. Destroyed, the dust from the nuclear explosion enveloped the atmosphere, and the Earthlings mutated genetically by nuclear radiation. People with resources fled the earth, and the androids came into being as human beings to develop other planets. The disadvantaged people had nowhere to go and could only sit and wait on the earth. Some androids escaped from alien "jailbreaks" and returned to Earth in order to escape human slavery. As a result, a new profession has emerged: bounty hunters who capture jailbreak androids.
Deckard, a bounty hunter written by Philip K. Dick, went to the opera house to hunt down androids, and when he heard Mozart's "The Magic Flute", Deckard began to reflect on his career and the fate of the earthlings: "The Magic Flute" will end, Mozart This name will be annihilated, the vulnerable people will die on Earth, and the upper class will be able to escape the Earth for a short time, but just like the androids have no permanent safe shelter, the Earthlings who immigrate to the aliens will eventually be affected by the embers of the Earth’s nuclear war.
In 1982, Philip K. Dick died of a stroke on the eve of the release of the film Blade Runner, based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Just as Mozart, who passed away shortly after The Magic Flute came out, did not know that The Magic Flute was prosperous on the opera stage and inspired the rebels who challenged authority in later generations, Philip K. Dick did not know that Blade Runner was in the history of world cinema. of timeless.
Second ,
"Blade Runner" made a more direct account of the reason for the android escape: short-lived is the factory setting of the android, and the android who "jailbreaked" and returned to the earth hopes to crack the factory setting. After watching the movie "Blade Runner" and the novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", I remembered the modern poem "Nine Dragon Wall" of the same name created by the archaeologist Chen Mengjia for the relief sculpture of the Nine Dragon Wall in Beijing during the Republic of China:
I asked the first dragon, what do you want? To be solemn, I will give you splendid grace; I will give you a tall and straight waist like a rainbow; the third dragon, maybe you want strange, I can create all man-made miracles; the fourth dragon, if you love clouds, I ordered Tongyun to be your squire; the fifth dragon, I guess you must be savage, giving you majesty, golden light, and majesty; the sixth and seventh dragon, giving you mysterious spiritual eyes to illuminate all good and bad luck; the eighth The blue dragon, the ninth mysterious dragon, grant you magical powers under my wrist. The dragons shouted together: We only want life.
A bionic person has a human body, limbs, and face, and is endowed with a breath of life. It can also fly to the sky when it lives on the earth, and has cognitive thinking and analogy. But the earthlings who created the androids could not see the end from the beginning, and did not expect that the androids would want a longer life. All living objects, only in time, can they explore a wider space outwards and think inwardly of more ancient or more forward time.
In the 1960s, Philip K. Dick imagined the world in 2019 with a book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" according to the world pattern at that time. Of course, Philip K. Dick cannot predict the future changes in international politics in the world, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. Therefore, in 2019, the Soviet Union still plays the role of a great power on a global scale. In 2019, the police cars that can fly shuttle between tall buildings, and the flying cars that can instantly accelerate into the air do not need to run off the runway to take off, nor do they need power devices like helicopter propellers.
This year is 2018, and the elites of the auto industry are committed to developing electric vehicles. The research and development of driverless vehicles has already started, but Feitian cars are still unable to reach it. Philip K. Dick's vision of the auto industry in the 1960s was too optimistic. This "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", which conceived the flying car and reserved the C position for the Soviet Union on the international political stage of the future world, is the pinnacle of "Cyberpunk" works.
When the word "cyberpunk" was coined, the book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" has been published for more than ten years. The term comes from the 1980 novel of the same name by American author Bruce Bethke , which tells the story of a future world where computer-savvy teenagers use technology to rebel against adults. Since then, "cyberpunk" has become a synonym for a sci-fi genre: using artificial intelligence and other technical means to rebel against established authority. "Do androids dream of electronic sheep?" is about the rebellion of androids as artificial intelligence products against humans.
The android manufacturing factory limits the lifespan of androids to four years, so that androids have no time to think about metaphysical questions such as "who am I" and to be enslaved with peace of mind. This product design not only meets the needs of android buyers, but also helps maintain a seller's market. It should be finalized after the product manager of the android manufacturing factory has done a lot of market research. Now, some sneakers are also labeled "cyberpunk", and product managers of shoe companies use such labels to promote some shoes that have a sense of technology and express a rebellious spirit. Do androids dream of electric sheep? It is unknown, but the bionic and electronic sheep may fall into the dream of the product manager, thinking about it every day and dreaming at night.
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