the child in our hearts

Wilfrid 2022-04-20 09:01:08

Yes, after watching this film, I can clearly see the stubborn shadow in my heart, which is a child.
Perhaps, there is a child in our hearts, it may be our childhood self, or it may be the child next door, who is stubborn, willful, stubborn, unwilling to admit defeat, and will pouting and thinking when frustrated. A child with crooked ideas. When something unexpected happens, we always think of him.
Two hours of performance, the narrator is constantly explaining everyone's habits. Most of the monologues, everyone has their own hobbies: beautiful dad hates peeing side by side with others, likes sandals with socks, hates wet swimming trunks on his body, likes to tear off old wallpaper piece by piece, likes leather shoes Lined up and polished pair by pair; likes to pour out the contents of the toolbox, clean the bottom of the box, and put the items back one by one. Mother who loves beauty, has always been too neurotic, has facial twitches, hates wrinkling of finger skin after bathing, hates touching her hands to strangers, hates pillow marks on her face when she wakes up, likes figure skaters' clothes on TV, likes polishing The floor, like to pour out the contents of the handbag, clean the inside of the handbag, and then put it back one by one, the most neurotic performance is to be scared by the fish who have committed suicide several times. When I saw that scene, I was suddenly terrified and didn't know how to explain it.
There are also a variety of people who show up with their own unique hobbies, and maybe people who don't pay attention to themselves often won't find these neurotic movements: the beautiful boss Susan, who likes seeing frustrated and crying athletes, doesn't like Seeing men lose face in front of their children. The cigarette seller, Zoji, likes to moan about nothing, whether it's migraine or sciatica, and hates when people say God bless your children. Good friend Jenna likes to bend her fingers. Iplitu is an underappreciated writer who enjoys watching bullfighters get hurt. Joseph, the black-faced god, was thrown off by Jenna and only liked to pop the little bubbles on the plastic foam. Fei Lemei, likes to hear the sound of the cat bowl rubbing the floor tiles... Everyone, the classmates who try their best to live, have unknown habits in their bones, and accumulate little by little until they become part of the body or inherit the spirit.
What surprised me was that as a little girl, because I didn’t have physical contact with my father often, I was always inexplicably excited when I was hugged by my father during the monthly physical examination, so that my heart beat faster, and my parents thought that she had heart disease and could not. Enroll with other children. Therefore, her neuroticism also has the soil to grow - her heart to do whatever she wants and find ways to do it.
One day, her mother took her to church to pray for Gading, but she was killed by a person who committed suicide by jumping off the building. The world is unpredictable. Hu Wei was reluctant to give up, because this is already the case, there is nothing he can do. At the end of the story, Amelie's father seemed to understand the intention of the dwarf, left home and went to the international airport. This kind of awakening comes from temperament, and it is also reasonable.
In the days when the father and daughter lived alone, Amelia gradually grew up and began to know how to give and help. She led the blind man with a gray beard across the street, constantly introducing all kinds of things that her eyes saw in her head, and then At the entrance of the subway, he took big strides and left excitedly, like an angel embedded in his story in a way she didn't expect.
In the meantime, I saw the same interpretation as Wong Kar-wai's "Chongqing Forest" and Faye Wong. Amelie was in the fruit vendor's home, directing and acting, with a little neurotic random tossing. Then, the very dramatic result was that Gao Liliang and Lu Xian's positions were reversed, and Lu Xian began to speak and act on his own.
There are also many unknown people who are living in their own habits, either numb or unconscious. Facing the bizarre life, they are like a group of sojourn ants. After completing the redemption of the world, they begin the next reincarnation. Just in the face of this deep-seated narration, narration, and interpretation, I can't help but think of the people around me, why aren't we like this?
As for Du Faier, the glass man, he repeats Renoir's painting every year, staying at home and putting a layer of sponge on the TV. He has a bad enough impression of Gao Liliang, and makes Lu Xian scold him, a perfect child.
Regarding Lian Nuo, he went to school when he was a child, was bullied, and was openly teased in class; he won the glass ball of all the children, but he was pulled by the teacher's ear because he was too late to return to the team. The glass balls were scattered all over the place, ping ping pong pong, and there was a sound. He likes to collect footprints and torn photos. A man who seems to be the most peaceful man in his heart is just paranoid to mend those fragmented photos and restore a large number of fragments found in the camera. Every Wednesday will always work in the haunted house of the amusement park. Regarding love, he doesn't ask too much, just asks if he looks good? Maybe so, we habitually ask.
Regarding Aimee, I can't find any systematic thinking or statement to describe her in detail, because she travels in different time fields and interprets her heart in different styles and poses, regardless of the surroundings. The pockets are filled with ready-to-bleach stones, smooth and shiny. Neighbors frightened her to take pictures randomly. After she was nervous for a while, she began to take revenge on him, playing pranks while he was watching the game. When he saw the fruit seller Gao Liliang mocking Lu Xian, the corner of his smiling mouth instantly turned into contempt and anger, and he turned to look at Lu Xian and smiled again. Such a pure heart, so indiscriminate, with clear preferences. When I meet a man I like, I don't dare to point it out, I just plan to look at him from a distance in different ways, help him explain a torn photo that appeared in different places, and then open the door without hesitation under the advice of the glass man , it happened that Liano arrived, and then they started a beautiful love, like a swaying wind, on a motorcycle, crossing the streets of the whole city. Miscellaneous crowds, alleys, buildings, began to disappear in their world... I
like the advice of the glass man:
little love is beautiful...
You are not a fragile glass man,
happiness depends on yourself,
if you miss it Chance,
sooner or later your heart will be...
like my bones, dry and withered, do
n't hesitate anymore,
go to him,
like the game of Amelie and Lino:
Amelia covers Lino's mouth, pulls He entered the house with his collar and locked the door.
Without a word, he kissed the corner of his left lips, right neck and left eye in turn.
Afterwards, she used her right index finger to point at the corner of her right lips, frustrated with Lian Nuo.
Lian Nuo carefully kissed the corner of her right lips, left neck and right eye in order.
there is a desert in everyone's heart, and there is a sky that no one else can get close to no matter how hard they try. I just want to say that those habits accumulated in the long years of displacement will turn memory into moldy germs, sneaking in We live our normal lives and then we all start to have a part of the neurotic habit as an asset. This concept is for each of us, each of us, not just the characters on the show. The long time line is strung with piles of complicated pasts and memories. If it is beautiful, we can all collect it. However, everything is not as we imagined, slightly disappointed and sad. Mingmei may also be among them, but we do not want to find out.
The child in our heart always likes some small habits or actions to unconsciously reflect the darkness or prosperity, nothingness or prosperity in the heart, and never tire of it. This is a sign of life and a manifestation of the unconscious, which we call neuroticism. Live by light, live by land. Although trivial, it is also regrettable.

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Amélie quotes

  • Narrator: [Amélie has found Nino's photo album and his "lost" posters] Any normal girl would call the number, meet him, return the album and see if her dream is viable. It's called a reality check. The last thing Amélie wants.

  • Narrator: For Bretodeau, that little box brought back a lot of memories - Federico Bahamontes winning the '59 Tour de France, and of course, the tragic day when he won all the marbles at playtime

    The Teacher: [Bretodeau tries to put all his marbles away before the Teacher sees him] Bretodeau!

    [approaches him and gets his ear]

    The Teacher: You know the pinch, Bretodeau!