One point to Nokia, one point to Nikon, God logic film

Daphney 2022-04-19 09:01:15

When I saw the trailer, I was still looking forward to this Superman. After watching the movie, I felt bad. Logic and plot have been eaten by polar bears.

The screenwriter and director wanted to tell too many stories, and at the same time they needed to discuss Superman's identity. As a result, they wanted to express too many things. One did not perform well, and a hodgepodge was created.

Like the previous rumors, it is indeed a shadow of Earth one.

The whole story of Earth one is complete. The influence of his adoptive parents on Superman was very good when he was growing up. His mother made a superman suit for little Clark and asked little Clark if you were wearing underwear inside. It was funny and warm. Finally, Clark wrote about " The interview with "Superman" made people understand his heart and respect this hero.

Earth one is not a level above.

The biggest problem with Man of Steel is not to shoot a superhero movie with the rhythm and feel of a literary film in the middle, but to put Superman in the position of a Kryptonian betrayer and let Superman watch his adoptive father die, just because I don't want to reveal my identity.

It's really logical to watch my dad die. Probably the screenwriter wants to deepen this plot. This slash must be a plot that people's brains are too big to appear in the movie. It really makes people sigh that it is bigger than a black hole. The wall is a brain hole.
Such logical flaws will come after a while. For example, the exiles of Krypton brought Da Chao to the spacecraft and asked Louis to get on the ship with them, but they didn't know what to do with her. Compared to Superman killing people and making the remarks about me being an American, it's not worth mentioning the fact that the BOSS died by twisting his neck.

Because of too much noise, I don't mind if Superman wears red underwear.

Superman and Louis flew down and turned over. If this is my natal hero, I must be shy and bow my head. Finally, the female soldier who lost her IQ who said "he's hot" really worked tirelessly to create new thunder points at the end of the film.

Not to mention the strange character of Superman, that little weakling Louis... sad tears

The image of human soldiers is extremely thin, and the trust and distrust of Superman is only because he and humans fight the enemy's plane together, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

The whole film reminds me of Dragon Ball, The Matrix, Prometheus, ST.

I have to mention the music of this one. The music of this one has always made me travel to Nolan's Batman. This kind of music is put on this movie, and it feels like killing chickens with a knife. It doesn't really fit the plot. It gives people a grand feeling, but it makes people play many times.

The point of this film is that the Nikon D3s camera can work normally without the camera warm cover and low-temperature battery in extremely low temperature conditions, and the multi-point dynamic tracking focusing method can meet all shooting needs. There is also a big Nokia, give it a thumbs up.

The device that increases gravity is quite creative. It can also distinguish between humans and buildings. Is it carbon-based or not? What about that bread? To float or not to float?

After reading it, I will never complain about TDKR again. It is still credible that hemp rope saves the world. What is the comparison between Bruce who left Gotham and Superman in this one!

(PS: Before watching, I was very excited to see the logo of DC comics. After reading it, I was very angry because of God’s logic. What is DC doing? I was so angry that I couldn’t sleep. Later, I comforted myself and said, I am a MARVEL fan anyway... The problem is, I'm not a fan of American comics, watching this movie is also a god's logic...)

(PS: I saw that this Superman is good-looking because Superman is so powerful. In front of him, Batman, Captain America, and Spider-Man are all weak, and he was shot while lying down. No. No, no, Sentinel and Cyclops can still fight him a dozen times.)

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Extended Reading

Man of Steel quotes

  • Faora: [Beating up Kal-El] You are weak, Son of El, unsure of yourself. The fact that you possess a sense of morality, and we do not, gives us an evolutionary advantage. And if history has proven *anything*...

    Faora: [Faora picks up Kal-El throws him into another building]

    Faora: ...It is that evolution always wins.

  • General Zod: I was bred to be a warrior, Kal. Trained my entire life to master my senses. Where did you train? ON A FARM?