European style represented by Gustav and Cumfu

Miles 2022-04-23 07:01:14

n brush "The Grand Budapest Hotel"

"His world disappeared long before he entered, but he maintained this illusion with great grace."

Zweig's demise of classical Europe

as well as!

I finally found out why Mr. Gustafa is inexplicably familiar to me: Benny's Sherlock Holmes, face + accent + action...

Okay, hairline is also a reason...

Okay, everyone is said to be gay in gay...



. '

Maybe the classics haven't disappeared completely

The old world style is indeed more handsome than the new world (fanatic face)

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The Grand Budapest Hotel quotes

  • Agatha: [about M.Gustave and Zero] Whence came these two radiant celestial brothers, united for an instant, as they crossed the upper stratosphere of our starry window, one from the east, and one from the west.

    M. Gustave: VERY good.

  • M. Gustave: [pointing at an armful of flowers] These are NOT acceptable.

    Hotel Employee: [bearing flowers] I fully agree.