A renaissance movie

Robb 2022-04-22 07:01:03

A wonderful thought, a retro trend, a comical and serious film tone, revealing and exuding a unique fusion of art and real irony! The director's originality and ingenuity, in the form of a stage play, show a real drama like a Chaplin-like performance in a humorous way! The relaxed and pleasant image expression reveals a kind of seriousness and seriousness that is unsmiling. Every plot and every scene is so elegant that the whole movie shows a supreme artistic atmosphere! You can't measure what's right and wrong in the world of movies, but you can feel the likeness of reality. We seem to be enjoying a very entertaining comedy of humour, but it keeps making people brooding and brooding! Perhaps this is the charm of the film, a slow moving charm!

The plot of the movie has a strong logic, it seems to interpret an attitude to life, and it also warns us about some unique ways of life. It seems to be a very old-fashioned dogma, but it has an irreversible charm! A seemingly simple and ordinary life experience, but there are many stories behind the society and humanities, simple but profound, ordinary but so hard to touch! We seem to have opened a door in a fairy tale and are chasing a unique and thrilling adventure! The rhythm of the movie is fast, and it has always maintained a progress at the same speed to promote the development of the whole story. There is no procrastination and no obstruction. Just like the pictures of the movie, it is turned over one by one, but at the same time, we retain our interest in the next page! Compared with ordinary people, the movement speed of movie characters has also accelerated a lot, just like the character performances in the silent movies of the 1920s and 1930s. I have to say that this nostalgic mood really adds a lot to the memory form of the movie! The director is very attentive in telling a story, and the story seems to make people feel very boring, for the audience who watch the story. Our situation is as sparse as the writer played by Jude Law in the movie, thinking that this is just an inspirational story that we are used to hearing, but as the movie slowly develops, the relaxed and naughty way of expression allows us to gradually accept this story, the novelty of the movie. The performance techniques and the superb performance skills of the actors really aroused our interest! The witty and humorous way of expression and the artistic atmosphere that permeates the whole film can easily make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves from it. We seem to have entered the era of the Renaissance, surrounded by artistic things! The director just gave us the opportunity to appreciate art up close!

The movie can be said to be star-studded and the stars shine. Almost all the star cameos in "The Allied Treasures Team" seem to have brought us into a time and space where they play together. Jude Law and Edward Norton also perform drama roles in different time and space with different styles, giving us more understanding and vision! In particular, the superb performance of Ralph Fiennes, the star of the film, is really amazing. That kind of consummate interpretation perfectly creates vivid characters. The performance is really like Chaplin in the world. That natural expression, that flawless performance, instantly conquered me, conquered my soul, and fascinated me deeply!

A very good film, can be called a model of art film. Director Wes Anderson has a good grasp and created a style that is unique and nostalgic but does not lose the characteristics of the times. The lively way of expression, the witty and humorous style of performance, the combination of the essence of the stage play and the form of the film without losing the temperament, is really deeply moved by his talent, although he does not have much to this director. Understand, obviously there is a potential to become a master, very promising, very convincing! The movie is a masterpiece, really worth watching!

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The Grand Budapest Hotel quotes

  • Agatha: [about M.Gustave and Zero] Whence came these two radiant celestial brothers, united for an instant, as they crossed the upper stratosphere of our starry window, one from the east, and one from the west.

    M. Gustave: VERY good.

  • M. Gustave: [pointing at an armful of flowers] These are NOT acceptable.

    Hotel Employee: [bearing flowers] I fully agree.