A letter from a former doorman

George 2022-04-20 09:01:11

To all who are interested in this history:
I have never taken myself personally so much, and have always been obsessed with telling others how I have felt for many years, but it seems to me that the experience of living in this legendary hotel has After an astonishingly intense and dramatic rise and fall, it was my duty as a witness to let people know about this history. The times themselves provide pictures, and I'm just explaining them.
What you now know about the Grand Budapest Hotel is that it is a hotel that has been neglected all year round. But what you don't know is that before the war, the Grand Budapest Hotel was the most famous hotel in the country, and more attractive than the hotel itself was its previous owner, Gustave. It is no exaggeration to say that many important guests of this hotel came for him. And I, an outlaw, a man without a country, who had fled his country to escape the war, started my career in this famous hotel in Europe - junior doorman in training, listening to Gustave Strict order of Mr.
Although my motherland was full of gunpowder at that time, Niu Mao Kingdom was a beautiful, peaceful world full of humanity that we dreamed of. Today, when the huge storm has already shattered the peaceful world, that peaceful world is nothing more than a castle in the air for people today. However, we were living in that sky loft, as if we were living in a stone house. There has never been a storm, even the ridiculous anecdotes such as Gustav being slandered and imprisoned first, and Mr. Gustave and I being hunted all the way down due to the property disputes of the famous nobles. For the two of us, It's just a strong wind in the hall breaking into our warm and comfortable life. Our flippant optimism is pedantic in view of the war that destroyed thousands of years of human effort, all the ideas we believe in and work for our whole lives: peace, humanity, kindness, It's nothing but feeble, old-fashioned ideas. At that time, people were unswervingly convinced that tolerance and harmony were indispensable binding forces. It is precisely because of this binding force that Mr. Gustav and I were on the run, even if we were closely followed by an inhuman and barbaric killer, with the help of many nobles, the two of us finally saved the day.
After a series of absurd anecdotes, the hotel didn't stop its progress because of this little setback, and Mr. Gustave and I felt that our lives were only going to get better. But a gunshot on the morning of the official disintegration of the Niu Mao Kingdom after the 21st day of occupation completely forced our generation, bewitched by idealism, to re-enter an era that was completely at odds with our previous beliefs. The soldiers on the train tore up my temporary passport in person, as if to shred the brilliance of humanity we believe in to show us on our faces. And Mr. Gustav's coming forward showed me that in this barbaric and primitive slaughterhouse once called "human nature", there are still gleams of civilization. But that gleam disappeared as he collapsed beside the torn passport shards. The soldiers on the train are like breakers of old times, they believe in violence and try to bring the ancient barbarism of war to our unfortunate country with new and treacherous tricks.
That gunshot not only took Mr. Gustave's life, but also made me understand that what I want to go back to is already another bullshit country, another world.
The above is my recollection of the Taiping era. Everyone must have experienced the following. I have witnessed the unimaginable regression of human beings into the barbarism that people thought was long forgotten - this kind of barbarism has its own intentions Unhuman programmatic dogma, this savagery has brought us, after centuries, undeclared wars, concentration camps, torture, looting, and bombardment of defenseless cities. With the decline of the Niu Mao Kingdom, the once famous Grand Budapest Hotel has become what you see today. But perhaps the breath of a man's childhood has been ingrained in his blood, so despite my full knowledge and complete disappointment, I now console myself with the beliefs inherited from my fathers: The setbacks we encounter will one day be merely a pause in the rhythm of ever-forward progress.
Mustafa (aka: Zero)
Written at the Grand Budapest Hotel in Niu Maoguo in 1940.

Note: The above is purely an unintelligible thing written by Zweig as Zero after reading "Yesterday's World". Many meaningful sentences in the text are copied from "Yesterday's World", any similarity is purely coincidental.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel quotes

  • Agatha: [about M.Gustave and Zero] Whence came these two radiant celestial brothers, united for an instant, as they crossed the upper stratosphere of our starry window, one from the east, and one from the west.

    M. Gustave: VERY good.

  • M. Gustave: [pointing at an armful of flowers] These are NOT acceptable.

    Hotel Employee: [bearing flowers] I fully agree.