I love this movie so much, every picture has a story!

Dayne 2022-04-19 09:01:17

The structure of the film is like a Russian nesting doll, one ring after another, with a total of three space-times.
This makes the background of the whole story a little more complicated, which is very interesting. It feels like a story of three generations.
One is modern, a communist era (that is, when the author was young, the film also mentioned that the downfall of the Budapest hotel may be due to the reduction of pleasure in the communist era and the rejection of fancy money worship), and the other is the war period, although outside There are constant wars and wars, but there is always a place of paradise for the rich to eat, drink and have fun.
Pay attention, the color grading of each time and space screen is different. I heard that the most expensive thing to make a movie is color grading. If the color tone is good, no matter how bad the movie is, people can see their feelings. There is also a difference between time and space, it seems that the aspect ratio of the picture is inconsistent. I see a lot of people write it, but I can't understand the professional terminology.
Finally, the author mentioned the works of Stephen Zweig at the end. He committed suicide because he felt the decline of the entire European culture. Judging from the style of the film shot by the director, he also yearned for the European feelings of a certain era in his heart. , and the laughter in the movie is very cold, I always feel that some very strange designs may have literary sources, and the textual research is committed.

[First time and space]
It started with a woman holding a cardboard book and dressed in a punk-like clothes, went to the old lutz cemetery (Old Lu cemetery), and met a smoking man in the middle, three The man in black then hung a key on a statue.
This statue is for the author, who once wrote a book called The Grand Budapest Hotel, and the woman opened the book.
[Second time and space] The
time is 1985, and the author elegantly introduced his identity and the source of inspiration for this book: People think that writers write by imagination, but in fact, some people will actively find writers and provide story inspiration.
Halfway through the conversation, a young boy shot him with a gun and came over to apologize, but the gun was still pointed at the audience. ?
The author checked into the hotel and found an interesting person and a very rich guy in Europe, Mr.zero moustafa. He invited him to dinner, and then told him a story in the middle. According to the author's understanding, he told him that all this was In order for him to write it all into a story.
[The third time and space is divided into five parts. This kind of bridge section is very similar to the old movies.]
The first part: M. Gustave (very loyal to the hotel, stick to details, like poetry, in any state To maintain an elegant figure, he remembers the preferences of every customer, and has a relationship with every old woman customer. This old woman is all blond, suspected to be gay, and Dandy is full of style. If the characters in the film reflect who and who , I feel that this M.Gustave reflects the director himself.
Although Hitler is not mentioned in the whole film, it can be seen from many details that the actor who played him once played "Hitley's List", and then that The villain also looks like Hitler, with a mustache.

Part 2:
A female customer in madame cvdut died, M.Gustave went to worship her.
They were stopped once by soldiers here, showing the October 19 closing in 1932 of the frontier (France), at this time the soldier commander signed them a pass that directly led to Gustave's death. The
female customer left a will to leave "The Boy and the Apple" to him, This painting is very valuable, which caused dissatisfaction with the female customer's son, who is a fascist and a perverted killer.

Part 3: Check-point 19 criminal internment camp
M.Gustave was prosecuted for the murder of ceine villeneuve. There was a prison escape in the middle, which was very in line with the director's self-style. In his other works "Fantastic Fox Dad" and "Moon Rising Kingdom", there are similar shooting techniques. A group of people move in unison To accomplish a common goal, the foxes escaped various organs to steal chickens, a boy and a girl escaped various levels and ran away from home, and a few stupid thieves dug tunnels, climbed the walls and drilled the food transmission channel to escape from prison, as if there appeared in this prison The people are all big characters, strong cast lineup.

The fourth part: The socity of the crossed keys
feels that this uses six-dimensional theory. In order to find the butler, M. Gustave called and asked the managers of other restaurants, and then asked five, and finally got the answer he wanted.
The scene of tracking each other on the snowy mountain pays homage to "Dr. Edward". Anyway, it looks very funny and exaggerated.

The fifth part: The second copy of second will The
second will is announced and the story ends.
They went on a trip, and the picture suddenly turned black and white for some reason. It felt like a tribute to a certain movie during World War II. That movie also took place on a train, and I can't remember the exact name.
Speaking of the 12th day of being colonized, according to the time, it should be that Germany occupied France, and the pass should prove that they were enemies or something, so they were shot.

I feel that a very good movie has been ruined by someone who is too literate like me, so I silently prepare to read Stephen Zweig's book to make up my mind.

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Extended Reading

The Grand Budapest Hotel quotes

  • Agatha: [about M.Gustave and Zero] Whence came these two radiant celestial brothers, united for an instant, as they crossed the upper stratosphere of our starry window, one from the east, and one from the west.

    M. Gustave: VERY good.

  • M. Gustave: [pointing at an armful of flowers] These are NOT acceptable.

    Hotel Employee: [bearing flowers] I fully agree.