"Iron Man 2" is the third work of the Marvel Universe. The film is still directed by Jon Favreau, and Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow continue to star in it, but this time there is Scarlett The Black Widow played by Leigh Johansson has since added another classic role to the Marvel movie, while Seriel Jackson, who appeared in the last Easter Egg, continues to play Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD. The film was released in 2010. The widow sister in this film can be called the peak period of her appearance and figure. She is very popular and is very popular. In this film, there are a lot of foreshadowing and hidden lines, so compared to the first film with a unified plot, this one will appear to have a very loose plot line, especially in the first half of the film, which needs to pave the way for emotions, so it seems that it is easy to lose focus. point. However, this is still a very exciting popcorn movie, and the box office is also super high, surpassing the box office of the first movie, which is enough to give Marvel Studios greater confidence. The ending egg also means that more exciting things will happen next. Marvel's movies have really entered a state so far, and every movie fan will be full of anticipation for this. 8 points.
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